pp. 109-113]               THE STRACHANS                               271

Elisabeth the Second Daughter of Thornton was Married to
John Midleton of that Ilk in the County of Forfar Ancestor
to the Earl of Midleton1 of her that family Lineally

Margaret Another Daughter was married to
Symer of Balyardie2 Repute an Antient family in Forfor-

[page 112.]

Mary another Daughter was Married to William Rait of
Halgreen a very Antient family as any in all the County of
Forfar and had a Daughter Elizabeth who was Married to Sir
George Achinleck of Balmano in Perth Shyre who was one of
the Senators of the College of Justice in the Reign of King
James the 6th of whom is Come a most Numerous and far
Spread Progeny and Descendants.

To this John Strachan of Thornton Succeeded Alexander
his Eldest Son and heir who Married Dame Sarah Douglas
Daughter to Sir William Douglas of Glenbervy3 who Suc-
ceeded to the Estate and Dignity of Earl of Angus In the
1588, and had by her a Son his Heir Viz.

[page 113.]

Sir Alexander Strachan of Thornton who was by the Special
favour of his Majesty King Charles the first Raised to the
Degree and Dignity of a Knight Baronet Soon after the first
Institution of that Honourary Order in the Year 1625 Which
was Just upon his Accession to the Croun; I have not Seen
the Precise Date of the Patent But in a Minute Book of that
Time I have Seen it marked to be of the date the 28 May
1625.4 It is as all other Patents of Baronetts at that time
and long afterward were to the heirs Male at large of the first
Patentee And it must have been Uniform with the Other
Granted by the King at that time which are Constantly to the
Heredibus Masculis of him who first received the Honour But
tho' this Patent had passed the Sealls in due form as the Law

1   Midletons Birthbrief.

2  Mr Strachans Manuscript.

3  History of the House of Angus Continued.

4  This Minute Book belonged to Mr David Sibbald who was depute Keeper
of the Great Seal under Chancellour Hay and from his Son Sir Robert Sibbald
that great Antiquary I had the use of it and is here my Voucher.