pp. 121-124]                   THE KNOXES                                   277

[page 123.]

writings and Charters of their families which might well be
Lost and Destroyed in the fewds one family had with Another,
as was Common in the more Antient Times which raised to a
high Degree of Rapine Blood Shed and Destruction yet they
preserved their Archives for more than 300 years Backward
and being of the Same Sirname with the Antient proprietors
of the Estate its a very Natural and Rational presumption to
Inferr they were the Lineall heirs in Blood and Line to their
Progenitor Adam filius Uchtredi who first Received the Few
and Investiture of the Lands they took their Surname from.

[page 124.]

1The first writing or Voucher of the family of Ranfurlie that
is Extant at least that I have Seen, Is a Charter by King James
the Second Uchtredo Knox de Ranfurlie Terarum de Ranfurlie
of the Lands of Ranfurlie and the whole Estate of the family
Tenend. De Domino Senescallo Scotie. It proceeds upon his
own Resignation which shews Clearly that they were his own
before, and in this Case implyes they had long before pertained
to his predecessors, the Resigner. This Gentleman was Some-
times designed of Ranfurlie and Sometimes of Knock and the
were Sometimes designed of Craigends For there is in the public
Registers a Charter Granted by King James the 3d In the
Year 1473 Uchtredo Knox filio et heredi Johannis Knox de
Craigends de Terris de Ranfurlie et Greiff Castle on his fathers
Resignation on which he had the Investiture Under the Great
Seall, to be held of the Prince and Stewart of Scotland as
Baron of the Barony of Renfrew.2 The same Uchter Knox

[page 140.]

1 —— Ch. Joanni Knox, nepoti et Heredi apparenti Joannis Knox de

Ranferly hs suis &c super Ch. sibi factam per dictum Joannem K. de Ranferlie
Imo Janrii 1593.—De xiii Libr terrarum Antiqui Extentus de Ranferlie Knox de
Nether Creagins—V. Lib. terrarum de Greffis-castell Antiqui Extentus &c jacent
infra Baroniam de Renfrew et Vic. ejusdem—Tenend de Rege tanquam seniscallo
Scotiæ—Reservato Euphaniæ Galbraith Conjugi dicti Joannis Knox de Ranferlie
rationabili tertia parte Om et Sm dictarum terrarum pro omnibus vitæ suæ
diebus. Conf. I die Martii 1594.—Ch. 188. Lib. 40.—M.

—— Joannis Knox de Ranferle dispones the lands of Barbeth jacent in

Dominio de Ranferle infra vicec. de Renfrew 6 Sepbris 1440—to Jacobo de
Crawfurde filio Joannis de Crawfurde de Giffartland—Ch. 149. Lib. 3.—M.

1   Charters Relating to the Principality of Scotland and m.ss. penes me And
also in the Custody of the Barons of Exchequer.

2  This Charter is in the Records of the Great Seall, in the Registers.