344             GENEALOGICAL COLLECTIONS          [VOL. II

Gift from King James the 5th In favours of David Blair of
Adamton Dated 10 March 1546.

33. GIFT of NONENTRY Duties of the Said Lands Under the
Privy Seall Granted by Mary Queen of Scotts In favours of the
Said David Blair Dated the Said 10 March 1546.

[page 256.]

34.  PRECEPT upon a CHARTER under the Great Seall Granted
by Mary Queen of Scotts In favours of John Fullarton of that
Ilk and Kathrine Blair his Spouse and langest liver of them
two in Liferent of the Lands of Trone and Fishing of the
Water of Irvine Upon the Said John his oun Resignation
Dated 16 May 1546.

35.   CHARTER under the Great Seall Granted by Mary Queen
of Scotts In favours of John Fullarton of that Ilk in Liferent
and David Fullarton his Son and heir in Fee Of the 40 Shill:
Land of Fullarton 40 Shill: Land of Harperland 40 Sh. Land
of Lathisland 40 Sh. Land of Marras 40 Shill. Land of Gaylis
20 Pound Land of Corsbie 5 lib Land of Craikesland Half
Merk Land of Sandhill 20 Sh. Land of Gaills Caldwall 10 Sh
Land of Cruiksland and 9 Acres of Land with the Patronage
of the Kirk of Corsbie Upon the Said John Fullarton his oun
Resignation Reddendo Jura & Servitia debita et Consueta
before these Witnesses Testibus Reverendo in Christo Patre
Johanne Episcopo Dunkeldensis Archithesaurio Nostro Dilectis
Nostris Consanguiniis Archibaldo Comite de Argadiel Domino
Campbell de Lorn &c. Willielmo Domino Rutven Nostri
Secreti Sigille Custode Dilectus Nostris familiaribus Jacobo
Fowlis de Collintoun Nostrorum rotulorum Registri Concillii
Clerico Joanne Ballandyn de Auchnames Et Jacobo Hamilton
de Fairhouse Nostri Cancellario Dilectore Apud Edinr 2 May

36.  PRECEPT of SEASINE Thereon of the Same Date.

37.  INSTRUMENT of SEASINE on the Said Precept in favours
of the Said John & David Fullartons Dated 18 May 1548.

38.   INSTRUMENT of RESIGNATION Under the hand of Patrick
Wallace Nottar Publick of the fishing of the Water of Irvine
by Patrick Hamilton of Bogside in favours of John Fullarton
of that Ilk Dated 8 August 1548.

[page 257.]

39. CHARTER under the Great Seall Granted by Mary Queen
of Scotts In favours of John Fullarton of that Ilk in Liferent