pp. 276-278]             THE URQUHARTS                              361

Thomas Urquhart Shirrif of Cromarty for himself, Alexander
Urquhart his Son and Walter Urquhart the Said Alexanders
Son on the other part. Whereby they agree that the Said
Walter Should marry the Said Elizabeth with whom he
Should get 1200 Mks of Tocher And Thomas Urquhart is
thereby bound to Infeft the Said future Spouse and longest
liver of them in Fourty pounds Land yearly of his proper
Lands The Contract is dated 17th March 1550 and is Signed
by Said John McKenzie for him Self Son and Daughter and
by Thomas Alexander & Walter Urquharts each for themselves.
22. INSTRUMENT of SEASINE Given by the Baillies of the
Toun of Cromarty to Alexander Urquhart of Inchrory as
Son and heir to the Deceased Thomas Urquhart Shirrif of
Cromarty Served and Cognosced before the Said Baillies In
Several Lands and Tenements within the Said Burgh of
Cromarty dated 4th October 1557.

[page 278.]

23.  COMMISSION by Queen Mary directed to the Shirrif of
Inverness as Shirrif of Cromarty in that part for Serving
Alexander Urquhart of Inchrory Son and heir to the deceas'd
Thomas Urquhart Shirrif of Cromarty (who died the 6th day
of August preceeding) as heir to his Said father, and for
executing and Retouring the Breives for that purpose, It
proceeds upon the Deliverance of the Lords of Session Seeing
that he as Shirrif of Cromarty could not be Served before
himself as Judge Ordinary nor before any other Judge with-
out a Special Warrand for that purpose dated 23d August

24.   The SERVICE of the Said Alexander Urquhart of Inch-
rory as heir to the Said deceas'd Thomas Urquhart Shirrif of
Cromarty before the Shirrif of Inverness in Virtue of the fore-
said Commission In the Lands and Barony of Cromarty with
the hill called the Moteshill of the Same and the yearly duties
of the Toun of Cromarty, As also in the Office of Shirrifship
of Cromarty, and in the five Oxengang of the Toun &
Lands of Brey lying within the Shire of Inverness The new
extent whereof is £100 Scotts and the old extent £49∙9∙4
Which Lands hold of the King in cheif by Service of Ward
and Releif The Service is Dated 5th Octobr 1557 and the Seals
of the whole Inquest have been Originaly appended.