pp. 301-303] PEERAGE CREATIONS, ETC.              381

Masculinum ut Interpretes juris nunc loquntur. WITH Mr.
Buchannan agrees a learned Lawyer Sir John Scott of Scotts-
tarbatt Director of the Chancery from 1610 to the 1668 in the
Materialls he furnished Mr. Blaeu with for the Great Atlas of
Scotland That Author treating of the Earldom of Strathern,
page 94. Observes That King James first resumed it from
Malise Graham As Buchannan finds done before. A Malisio
Grahamo Rex Abtulit Comitatum de Strathern posquam
in feodum Masculinum Avo eiis Materna datum fuisse ex
Regni Archivis Comperisset And Sir John Scott the Director
of the Chancery will be allowed to have Understood the
meaning and Import of Antient
as well as any man
in his time [Rolls of King Robert 2d page ]. Atlas of
Scotland page 94.

(Col: 2.)

4. CHARTER KING ROBERT 2d Johanni de Dunbar et Marjorie
ejus Sponse Seu filie Nostre Carrissime Totum Comitatum
MoraviƦ Exceptis terris de Lochaber et de le Badenoch et
Castrum de Urchard et Barroniam Ejusdem et eorum diutius
Viventi et heredibus inter Ipsos legitime procreatis Seu pro-
creandis quibus ferte Deficientibus Georgio De Dunbar Comitii
MarchiƦ et heredibus Suis legitimus quibuscunque. [



5. CHARTER ROBERT Duke of ALBANY filio Suo Johanni
Senescallo Domino de O'Neal1 Totum Comitatum de Buchan
cum pertinentis Sibi et heredibus Masculis de Corpore Suo
legitime procreatis Seu procreandis Which failzing to Robert
and Andrew Stewarts his Brothers and the Heirs Male of their
Respective Bodys which failzing to return to the Duke his
father [Publick Archives at Edinr


6. CHARTER by KING JAMES 1st To Malise Grahame of the
Earldom of Monteith and to the heirs Male of his Body which
failling to Return to the Croun. [The principall in the Duke
of Montroses Custody.]

[page 303.]
30 March

(Col: 2)

CHARTER KING JAMES 4th To Erecting Many
Lands into the Earldom of Montrose. [Records                       ]

NOTA. There is no mention to what heirs the honour was
to descend but it referrs to two former Charters granted

1 'Coule' interlined.