pp. 305-307] PEERAGE CREATIONS                          385

Creating him Earl of Lauderdale Suisque heredibus Masculis
[                                ]

25 Mar:

29. PATENT KING JAMES 6 To John Viscount Annan Creat-
ing him Earl of Annandale et heredibus Masculis de Corpore
Suo Legitime procreatis Seu procreandis [



30. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st Ratifieing to William Earl
of Monteith The Title of Earl of Strathern as heir of Line to
David Earl of Strathern et heredes Sui Masculi & Talii

8 May

31. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st to John Lord Louden Creat-
ing him Earl of Louden and to his heirs Male [


5 May

32. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st To John Lord Lindsay
Creating him Earl of Lindsay et heredibus Suis Masculis

[                                       ]

12 June

33. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st To William Viscount of Air
Creating him Earl of Dumfryce et heredibus Suis Masculis

[                                       ]

2 June

34. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st to David Lord Carnagie of
Kinnaird Creating him Earl of Southesk et heredibus Suis
Masculis [

14 June

35. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st To William Viscount Cannada
Creating him Earl of Stirling [

[page 307.]

27 June


36. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st To Sir Robert Ker of Ancrum
Creating him Earl of Ancrum and to the heirs Male of his
Second Marriage by Dame Ann Harly Daughter of William
Earl of Denby which failling to his other heirs Male [


23 June

37. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st To John Lord Traquair
Creating him Earl of Traquair et heredibus Suis Masculis In
perpetuis [

28 June

38. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st To Thomas Lord Bruce of
Kinloss Creating him Earl of Elgin et heredibus Suis Masculis

[                                              ]

29 June


39. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st To George Lord Ramsay of
Dalhousie Creating him Earl of Dalhousie et heredibus Suis
Masculis [

13 June

40. PATENT KING CHARLES 1st To James Viscount of Drum-
                                                                                2 B