to William he must be the first Earl Marishall1 and had
by her

WILLIAM his Successor.

DUNCAN of whom the Forbes's of Corsindea.


WILLIAM Lord Forbes called Gray Willie married Christian
Daughter to Alexander it must be the first Earl of Huntly
who had Issue to him Three Sons Alexander Arthur and John
all Successively Lords of Forbes.

ALEXANDER Lord Forbes The Eldest Son who must be the
man that endeavoured to Revenge the Death of King James
the 3d in the 1489. He married Margaret Boyd Daughter to
Thomas Earl of Arran but had no Issue.

ARTHUR His Brother Succeeded. He married Cathrine Lyon
Daughter to Lord Glamis who must be daughter to John
Lord Glamis the Justiciary but had no Issue Male (at Least
my Account of the Peerage Says he had a Daughter Lady
Grant) So that he was Succeeded by his Third Brother.

[page 407.]

JOHN Lord Forbes who is Lord Forbes in the 1509 when he
and Cristian Lundy in the 1509 I see had a Charter under the
Great Seall to him and his wife Cristian Lundy in 1509. I
Say he married According to the Manuscript first Cathrine
daughter to the Earl of Athole who had no Issue Male And
then to Cristian Lundy daughter to Sir John Lundy of that
Ilk who bare to him John Master of Forbes who upon a false
Accusation was unjustly Condemned and Executed at Edin-
burgh for High Treason and Had been Married to Elizabeth
Lyon daughter to the Lord Glamis I know in the 1537
Another Sir William Lord Forbes He married thirdly Dame
Elizabeth Barlow Lady Elphinston and had by her a Son
Arthur Called Black Arthur this must be he that is mentioned
Acting for the Young King against the Gordons in the 1572
and Jean Countes to John Earl of Athole next to Balquhain
& John Lessly of Balquhain his Son

WILLIAM Lord Forbes Succeeded his father John Lord
Forbes and Married one of the Heiresses of Innerugie who had

1 She must be his Sister Much more likely Seems he is .... in 1454 tho She
may be his daughter but more likely his Sister.