probably less skilful manufacture, may perhaps be estimated to yield 2,000
maunds. The total outturn would thus be 4,450 maunds.

308. There is definite information of the following exports in 1892-93:—

Exports of ganja.


To Mysore (average of three years, Mysore statistics)


To Bangalore (average of seven years, Bangalore Memorandum)


To Coorg (average of two years, Coorg Memorandum and



By sea (Government report)




leaving a balance of 3,774 maunds. There is probably some licit importation
into Hyderabad from the Northern Sircars, though it would appear from the
Hyderabad evidence to be small; and a certain amount of smuggling not only
into Hyderabad, but also to Orissa, the Central Provinces, and Burma. Mysore
probably gets some illegal addition to its registered imports. The amount left for
consumption in the Presidency and the Native States subordinate to it can hardly
exceed 3,500 maunds. And it must be remarked that in the case of Madras
ganja, there is not less waste than in the Khandwa drug as far as the Commission
can judge. The consumers, therefore, do not probably get a larger share of this
produce for actual use than the consumers of the Central Provinces do of the
portion of their produce which stays at home. The export to Burma, there is
reason to believe, is considerable. The Commission were informed in Burma
that the drug came in considerable quantity from Pondicherry and ports on the
Madras coast. All this export would appear to be Madras ganja.

Madras States.

309. Travancore and Pudukottai appear to import their hemp drug. In Tra-
vancore the cultivation is prohibited, except possibly
in the wildest of the hill tracts, and it does not

appear that there is any regular cultivation in Pudukottai. The consumption of
the latter State is about 71/2 maunds, which probably represents the average import.
It is estimated that the share of the rent of the opium and bhang farm of
the State creditable to the hemp drug is Rs. 5,000, while the revenue of Pudu-
kottai is Rs. 260. The Government of the latter State seems to undertake
a more direct and detailed management of its hemp excise than the former does,
and probably therefore gets a higher rate of revenue upon it. The consumption
or import of Travancore is therefore probably less than would be indicated by a
calculation based on a comparison of the revenue of the two States. It may be
estimated at about 100 maunds. The State of Banganapalle is reported to culti-
vate 2.2 acres, and produce therefrom 320 maunds of ganja valued at Rs. 800.
The outturn is impossible. Either the State imports a considerable amount of
ganja, or its cultivation is much more extensive than reported. The revenue of
the Sondur State from the farm of ganja, opium, and snuff is Rs. 31, and there
can be no trade in the hemp drug worth mention.

Probable amount of ganja pro-

310. The Collector of Ahmednagar states that the outturn of ganja culti-
vation is 41/2 to 71/2 maunds per acre according to
soil and season. Of two Satara witnesses, one

puts the outturn at 61/2 maunds, and the other at 8 maunds. A fair average
