stated: "It neither causes dysentery nor asthma, but it produces cough." Surgeon-
Major P. W. Dalzell (witness No. 41) stated: "I am not aware that it causes
either dysentery, bronchitis, or asthma." Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel Mukerji
(witness No. 39) has 26 years' service, and stated: "I have seen several habitual
moderate smokers who did not suffer at all either physically, mentally, or morally.
Others have injured their constitutions by use of ganja and charas." Surgeon-
Captain Castor (witness No. 44) stated: "Not so far as I know. Causes
oss of appetite." The remaining witnesses do not reply to the question.

Three assistant surgeons were examined. Witness No. 46 stated: "Habitual
moderate use has apparently no noxious effect." Assistant Surgeon Moonshi
(witness No. 45) has 21 years' service, and stated: "I have known habitual
moderate consumers of these drugs to enjoy robust health." According to the
witness, the drugs do not cause bronchitis, asthma, or dysentery; "on the contrary,
asthmatic people often resort to it to allay their sufferings. Immoderate use
causes gastro-intestinal irritation." The third witness was not examined regarding
effects of moderate use.

One hospital assistant was examined (witness No. 48), who stated: "The
moderate use does not cause dysentery and bronchitis." No private practitioners
were examined.

Berar, etc.

509. Five commissioned and two uncovenanted officers were examined in the
smaller provinces, six in Berar, and one in Ajmere.
Surgeon-Major Swain (witness No. 18) has had 17

years' service. He stated: "It does not cause dysentery, diarrhœa, bronchitis, or
asthma." Surgeon-Major Roe (witness No. 19) stated: "It is said to cause
bronchitis and asthma, but not dysentery." Dr. O. W. Jones (witness No. 21)
stated: "The moderate use of ganja or bhang is in no way detrimental to the con-
sumers; on the contrary, it is beneficial. I give this as my experience and as the
experience of men who are in the habit of using ganja in moderation for periods
varying from 10 to 12 years." Surgeon-Captain Morrison (witness No. 22)
stated: "Eventually evil effects are caused. Ganja smoking has caused asthma."
Dr. W. T. Montgomery (witness No. 23) stated that "even the habitual moderate
use of these drugs affects the physique, mind, and morals of the consumer."
The witness does not reply to the question dealing with effects of excessive
use, and has probably really not discriminated between the two uses of the drugs.
The Ajmere witness does not reply.

Two officers of the assistant surgeon class were examined. One stated
(witness No. 30) that the constitution is weakened and debilitated, and that
smoking produces cough and asthma in some cases. The other witness does
not reply.

Four officers of the hospital assistant class were examined. Witness No.
27 stated: "Yes; it does to some extent produce noxious effects, the excessive use
causing bronchitis, asthma, and dysentery." Witness No. 28 stated it produces
bronchitis. Witness No. 24 stated that first no ill effects are caused, but gra-
dually the dose has to be increased, with the result that "dysentery, bronchitis,
rheumatism, loss of memory, epistaxis, softening of brain, etc., set in, and the

person becomes so sick that he finds his life a burden"..................Witness
No. 25 stated: "Chronic bronchitis is caused by ganja smoking. I have not
seen dysentery or asthma result from ganja or bhang."