90                  REPORT OF THE INDIAN HEMP DRUGS COMMISSION, 1893-94.                   [APP.

                                              BAREILLY LUNATIC ASYLUM.

                                          (SUPERINTENDENT, DR. EMERSON.)

                                              Hemp Drug cases admitted in 1892.

Name, race, occupation,
district, age, and register
number of lunatic.

cause of

Type of

State of
health on

Facts ascertained from the papers.

Asylum history and facts ascertained
from registers and from inquiry
from the Superintendent.

1. Nathu; Hindu;
Bhandari; Rajput;
Tekri, Garhwal
State; 34; Book 8,

Profession not known.




Committed arson and was conse-
quently arrested. The Police
Surgeon certified that he talked
incoherently and laboured under
delusions, such as, that he can,
and does consume from 12 to 20
seers of atta daily. No other in-
formation recorded.

Form B shows:—

7. Duration of attack 12 years.

8. Supposed cause.—He was in
the habit of taking strong
drink and charas.

Admitted, 25th November 1892.

18th May 1893.

Some slight improvement. Weight
on admission 6 st. On 18th May
7 st. 6 lbs. No other record about
the patient in the books. Recog-
nizes bhang and charas, but did
not know ganja.

Stated he smoked bhang as well as
drank it; also stated he smoked
charas, and also sometimes drank
it. Was shown dhatura, which he
at once recognized, but stated he
never used the seeds. History
of drink from the patient by no
means clear.

Dr. Emerson: "I think the symp-
toms are due to combination of
liquor and charas. He has not
improved so rapidly as patients
do who have suffered from toxic
symptoms due to hemp drugs;
but he has improved within the
last two months: has increased
2 st. since admission."

This man states he took to drink-
ing liquor because it made him
more intoxicated and sooner so
than charas.

2. Fackeray; Hindu;
Koney; Sudder
bazar; Bareilly;
"about" 20; Book
8, 668.





The Civil Surgeon certified "he is
abusive and filthy in his habits.
He smears himself over with
filth." No other facts recorded.

Form B shows:—

7. Duration of attack about one

8. Supposed cause.—" Went to
Mala; when he came home
complained of pain in the
head; the next day he show-
ed symptoms of insanity: is
in the habit of taking liquor
and smokes charas."

12. Whether dangerous to others.
"At present not dangerous,
but by appearances it would
seem that if the disease in-
creased he might be danger-

Admitted, 18th July 1892; dis-
charged, 13th February 1893.

First and only record on 30th Nov-
ember 1892: "Has improved
very much since his admission
and is now quite sensible."
Weight on admission, 7 st. 6 lbs.;
discharge, 8 st. 8 lbs.

3. Moti; Hindu;
Brahman; Pilibhit
District; 17; Book
8, 383.

Profession not known.




The Civil Surgeon certified: "Cur-
ses and swears all day long. He
has been discharged three times
and always gets himself into
trouble again."

Form B shows:—

6. Second attack, one year.

7. Duration of attack, one month.

May 9th, 1893.—No change.

May 20th, 1893.—Mentally improv-
ed: might be let out.

He knows charas and stated it sold
at Rs. 18 per seer, also recog-
nized bhang. Knew ganja.

Stated he used to drink from 1 to 2
seers of bhang, but not daily, only
occasionally—festivals. Used to