92                   REPORT OF THE INDIAN HEMP DRUGS COMMISSION, 1893-94.                    [APP.

                                                Hemp Drug cases admitted in 1892—contd.

Name, race, occupation,
district, age, and register
number of lunatic.

cause of

Type of in-
sanity. (State-
ment VI.)

State of
health on

Facts ascertained from the papers.

Asylum history and facts ascertained
from registers and from inquiry
from the Superintendent.

6. Mahangu Singh;
Sepoy, 11th Bombay
Infantry; Hindu;
Rajput; Jalpura
Anch; 19; Book 8,




Admitted into asylum after ap-
pearing before a Military Medi-
cal Board at Bareilly. The
Medical Officer in charge
of the regiment gives a state-
ments of the case:—Disease,
Mania. On 11th June reported
to be abnormally talkative and
unruly during the night, but
on examination showed no ab-
normal mental state.

On 12th June became very excit-
able and lost all sense of disci-
pline. Nights became restless,
slept but little, homicidal ten-
dency, and made an unprovoked
attack on a follower. Conti-
nued in an excitable sleepless
state till 24th June, when a
marked progressive improve-
ment set in.

Admitted into asylum, 4th July

Discharged, 14th December 1892.

Under causation the Surgeon
states: "The disease came on
after he had been camped 7
months in a very uninteresting
monotonous place."

Accustomed to take bhang, but
"I have not been able to get
information as to whether he
took it in excess or not at Ram-

5th August, first note.—"Has been
somewhat excited during the
last 3 days; has not been violent
or dangerous towards others."

30th November.—Is very well at
present and may be made over
to his friends.

Informed by Deputy Superintend-
ent that while in asylum he never

7. Bhowani Singh;
Hindu; Naneawah;
Bareilly; 20; Culti-
vator; Book 8, 604.




Civil Surgeon certifies: "Filthy
in his habits, tears his clothes
and has had fits of crying."

Statement B shows:—

6.  Fourth attack.

7.  Duration of existing attack,
one month.

8.  Supposed cause.—Indulgence
in charas.

Admitted, 21st May 1892.
Discharged, 12th September 1892.

5th August.—"Is quite harmless."

Partly blind, and spent most of
his time in hospital (by Deputy

8. Devi; Hindu; Lo-
dha; Pilibhit Dis-
trict; 22; Labourer;
Book 8, 620.




Civil Surgeon certified: "Tears
his clothes, filthy in his habits,
sleepless at nights."

Statement No. 3 shows:—

7.  Duration of existing attack
not known.

8.  Supposed cause.—Over-indul-
gence in ardent spirits and

9.  Arrested while wandering
about and abusing the

Admitted, 21st May 1892.

Discharged, 14th November 1892.

20th June.—"Improving fast."

3rd October.—"May soon be dis-
charged." No other records.