Hemp Drug cases admitted in 1892—contd.

Name, race, occupation,
district, age, and register
number of lunatic.

cause of

Type of in-
sanity (State-
ment VI).

State of
health on

Facts ascertained from the papers.

Asylum history and facts ascertained
from registers and from enquiry from




History. See No. 854 of Criminal
List. Weight on 8th October
1892, 121 lbs.
November 12th, weight 116 lbs.
Has had fever. Very destructive.
December 22nd, weight 121 lbs.
Very destructive. No mental im.
January 26th, 1893, mania; weight
117 lbs. Smashed his finger on
the wheel of the pump. Is not
destructive. February 13th,
weight 118 lbs. Improving. 13th
March, weight 121 lbs. Is not
destructive now. 27th April,
weight 121 lbs. Quiet and hard-
working. 15th May, weight 118½
lbs. Improved. 10th June,
weight 119 lbs. Improving. 13th
July, weight 123½ lbs. Greatly
improved. 14th August, weight
124 lbs. Occasionally irritable.
4. Akbar Khan; Mus-
salman; Labourer;
Nagpur; 50; 876.



The statement shows that this man
"has been a wandering lunatic
for the past 6 or 7 months," and
was arrested "on complaint made
of his being a nuisance to the
public." The supposed cause
of his insauity is "ganja-smoking,
&c." The medical certificate of
21st November 1892, says that
he is "incoherent, noisy, and
abusive, refuses to take his food,
and talks nonsense."

The Asylum papers state that he
was arrested for theft of a sewing
machine and a piece of dhurrie,
which he stated was his jhandi.
"On November 21st he weighed
72 lbs. On December 22nd,
weight 77 lbs. Talks great non-
sense, very noisy, and abusive.
January 26th, 1893, weight 83 lbs.
Very noisy, troublesome. Mania.
February 13th, weight 85 lbs.
Very noisy and abusive. 13th
March, weight 82 lbs Very trou-
blesome, noisy, and destructive.
27th April, weight 87½ lbs. Is in
hospital, suffering from contused
wrist. Is very noisy. 15th May,
weight 95½ lbs. Hand better,
very noisy. 10th June, weight
98 lbs., noisy and troublesome.
Cannot be trusted. 13th July,
weight 100 lbs. Very noisy, is
only "12 years of age." 14th
August, weight 103 lbs. Talks
nonsense, is now quiet."

This man ascribes his insanity to
illness for which he had, issues or
was blistered behind the ear. He
calls it "Waba." He says he
took ganja. He drank tari also.
He had taken dhatura, but never
in ganja.

5. Rudraya; Hindu;



This man was brought to the Civil
Surgeon, Chanda, on 10th Octo-
ber 1892. The police had found
him sitting on the banks of the
Aridhari River. The ferrymen
said he had been sitting there
48 hours without speaking. He
was very violent and required
three men to restrain him, talk-
ed loudly, used bad language to
some imaginary person in front
of him. For two or three days
in the Jail he became very vio-
lent and noisy for a short time
and then relapsed into silence.

Admitted, 23rd November 1892.
The Asylum register shows this
man as 108 lbs. when admitted.
"On December 22nd, weight
111 lbs. Very depressed, was
very violent for the first two days
after admission, and tried to
assault every one.

January 26th, 1893, weight 114 lbs.
Noisy, destructive. Mania. Feb-
ruary 13th, weight 109½ lbs., very
troublesome and dangerous. Be-
came excited on the 9th Febru-
ary; refuses to take food. 13th
March, weight 105 lbs, Has to
be fed forcibly and is kept in a
cell. 27th April, weight 106½ lbs.
Is now quiet—melancholia, De-