JODHPUR STATE MEMORANDUM.                                  169

of Marwar, probably on account of there being a greater population, a contract for the sale of
bhang, ganja, and charas has since 1880 been given, which has brought an income of
Rs. 14,047 to the Darbar. A parwana instead of a license is issued by the city Kotwal in
Jodhpur and by the Hakim in Pali by auction to the highest bidder. It covers a period of
nearly one year. Both the aforesaid authorities supervise and control the sale and punish the
infringers of the contract.

In places other than Jodhpur and Pali, where there is a less demand and supply of these
drugs, their possession and sale are not controlled, and no necessity has ever been felt for
such control.

There are no retail vendors in Pali, but there are fourteen in Jodhpur, all of whom are under
the control of the contractor, who himself has two shops within the town. The retail sellers
are ordinary shopkeepers vending these drugs along with other articles. With reference to
area and population, when and where they see any necessity for the same, they sell these drugs
purchasing at a lump sum from the contractor.

The rates at which the drug is supplied by the contractor to the retail vendors and ordi-
nary consumers are the following:—


Supplied to
retail vendors.

Supplied to ordinary


4 seers per rupee.

3 seers per rupee.


31/4 rupees per seer.

31/2 rupees per seer.


7 rupees per seer.

8 rupees per seer.

No tax is imposed in this country except the duties alluded to above.

The average retail price to the consumers of bhang varies from two pies to nine pies, to those
of ganja from one anna to three annas, and to those of charas from one anna to two annas.

It does not differ much in the different parganas.

There is no maximum amount fixed for retail sales to, or possession by the ordinary con-
sumers; but as the consumers are not, generally speaking, well-to-do persons they do not keep
more than two or three doses. There is no minimum price, the current rates having already
been quoted.

No complaint of smuggling or of an illicit sale of these drugs has yet been brought to the
notice of the Darbar. The kotwal of this city in Jodhpur and the hakim in Pali are, however,
empowered to punish the smugglers and unauthorized vendors of the drugs.

Bhang, ganja, and charas are not under the control of the local Excise Department, and
there are no modifications under the consideration of the ijlas.

As has already been stated, the appended statement gives the required statistics about
these drugs, as far as the figures could be available from the records of the Darbar. The
explanation of variations from year to year seems to be that these drugs are generally imported
when either the stock is exhausted or when their rates are cheaper in the countries from where
the contractors import them.