Hemp drugs of which the dose had to be increased to 1/100,000 of the body weight-
Kistna ganja.
Madras local market ganja.
Amballa bhang.

Amballa charas, maskak, No. 1.
Delhi District charas, mashak.
Gurhwal charas, No. 1.
" " " 2.

Hemp drugs requiring a dose equal to 1/90,000 part of the body weight-
Amritsar charas, bhara.
Delhi District charas, dust, 2nd class.

Hemp drugs of which a dose equal to 1/80,000 part of the body weight was found to be
sufficient -
Khandesh bhang.

Hemp drugs requiring a dose equal to 1/70,000 part of the body weight in order to manifest
action equal to that induced by the minimum dose of the extract of the standard ganja-

Ghazipur illicit ganja.

Hemp drugs requiring a dose equal to 1/60,000 of the body weight-
Sholapur bhang.

Hemp drugs requiring a dose equal to 1/20,000 part of the body weight-
Rajshahi bhang (cultivated).
Satara bhang.
Bombay charas.

Hemp drugs requiring a dose equal to 1/10,000 part of the body weight.
Amballa charas, mashak, No. 2.
Delhi District charas, dust.
Kumaon charas (wild).

Hemp drugs requiring a dose equal to 1/5,000 part of the body weight-
Bhagalpur bhang.
Assam bhang (wild).
Gwalior charas.
Kumaon charas (cultivated).

Hemp drugs the dose of which could not be determined-
Nepal charas A.
" B.
" " (Shahjahani).

A tabular statement giving the above information is appended for more ready reference,
see table No. II.