for want of subsequent gratification, and it
would be a pity to deprive a habitual moderate
consumer of his dose when it is so beneficial to him
without any marked after-effect.

45. It does not. Nor does it impair constitu-
tion, cause any disease, impair moral sense, or
insanity, permanent or temporary.

46. But when taken in excess temporarily or habit-
ually, it may cause those constitutional, moral or
intellectual derangements as alluded to above. I
have seen several cases of insanity principally due to
ganja smoking, specially in cases where intellect was
weak, but in almost all such cases I found the in-
sanity to be of a temporary nature, which under pro-
per care and restraint passes off in course of time.
Some of these insanes, when under observation,
often ask for ganja or, in its absence, for tobacco.
There are many cases seen who owing to excessive
habitual use of ganja suffer from chronic dysentery,
asthma or bronchitis, while its moderate use gene-
rally cures these ailments.

47 and 48. Not any that I am aware of,
whether in the case of moderate or immoderate
consumers. On the contrary, I have seen many
children of very bright intellect and of excellent
parts, though their fathers were or are inveterate

49 and 50. Yes, but the immoderate use
generally causes impotency. I have heard many
prostitutes use this drug as an aphrodisiac when
they cannot procure alcohol, and in such cases it
is liable to be used in excess occasionally.

51 and 52. I have not heard of any crime
committed by moderate consumers. But the
excessive use causes homicidal tendency, quarrel-
someness, and induces consumers to commit many
rash acts, but seldom to commit theft.

But siddhi or charas, even when taken in excess,
does not induce consumers to commit any rash act.
They in such cases induce laziness, and at the
worst confine the consumers to their beds.

53 and 54. Not so as in the case of alcohol.
But there have been instances of habitual ganja
smokers, who, if occasion requires, take the drug
a little in excess to fortify themselves with a view
to taking revenge upon their adversaries.

55.   Yes; ganja alone is used with the admix-
ture of dhatura, nux vomica, and of both, for the
purpose of committing road-poisoning, and in-
stances are not wanting to show that complete
stupefaction has been induced or even death has

56.   Dhatura is admixtured to siddhi or ganja
to increase their intoxicating or even stupefying
power. Siddhi or ganja is thus used by the
people for their own use, with a view to securing
greater pleasure. Ganja with dhatura, or with
nux vomica, or with both, given generally in
excess, for administration to others with a criminal
motive when some object is to be gained from the
stupefaction of the victims. Unpleasant effects
have also resulted from one of such admixtures
when given to friends simply for fun.

57.   I have not seen or heard of ganja or charas
being eaten or drunk.

58.   The present system of excise administration
in respect of hemp drugs seems working well, and
no change is necessary.

60.   Ganja is not produced in this district.

61.   Charas is not produced in this district.

62.   In this district hemp plant for the produc-
tion of bhang grows wild in a very few places and
to a very limited extent. It is not feasible to
control the growth of such plants. Any attempt
to restrict the growth would give rise to discon-
tent without producing any beneficial effect.

63.  There is no objection to the present system
of a wholesale/b retail vend of ganja/2 charas./3 bhang.

64.   No objection.

65.  The taxation of 1 ganja/2 charas/3 bhang is reasonable with re-
ference to each other and to alcohol or other in-

66.   Yes. It is necessary that there should be
different rates of taxation for different kinds of
ganja, and such different rates for different kinds
of ganja produced in Bengal prevail here. Ganja
grown in any other province is not imported into
this district.

67.   No; there is no objection to the present
method of taxing 1 ganja./2 charas./
3 bhang.

68.  There are licensed shops in this district for
the sale of ganja and bhang, but not for their pre-
parations. There is no shop in this district for
the vend of charas.

There is in this district an adequate number of
shops, and no increase is called for.

69.   The wishes of the people are generally
consulted and considered before a shop is opened
in any locality, the enquiry being generally made
either by the Excise Deputy Collector or by local

70.   Hemp drugs are neither imported nor
smuggled into this district from Native States,
Duty is really paid in respect to the ganja and
other hemp drugs used in this district. Untaxed
drugs are not used.

11. Evidence of MR. F. H. B. SKRINE, Magistrate and Collector of Bhagalpur.

1. These replies have in part been suggested by
the local Excise Deputy Collector, Babu Nobin
Chandar Kar, who has two years' experience here.
My own knowledge has also been freely drawn on.

2. Yes. They a re known as bhang, charas and
ganja, but charas is not smoked in this district.
Ganja is again classified as flat, round, and chur.

3. Bhang grows in profusion wild, and it is
impossible to check its use without adopting in-
quisitorial methods and incurring large expense.

4.  Siddhi and bhang, yes.

5.  Alluvial land is the best soil for the growth
of wild bhang.

6.   Generally very dense.

7.   Hemp is not cultivated.

13.   The cultivation is restricted to one tract
on the borders of the Rajshahi and Bogra districts.

14.  Bhang is made from the wild plants. The
average production is estimated at 200 to 300
maunds a year.