36. There is no reason to believe that alcohol
is used in lieu of these drugs, because the latter
are cheaper.

37. The effect is the same, but the smell of
charas is sweeter. I have smelled both.

38.  The same effect.

39.  Ganja smoking is less injurious than eating
or drinking the same, because the whole quantity
of smoke drawn cannot be retained. In smoking,
a portion of the intoxicating power is wasted in
the fume thrown out, and another portion is burnt,
while the whole power acts within when eaten or

40.  Old bhang is often used by hakims and
baids for diseases of the stomach Bhang is often
used for cattle diseases. Ganja is sometimes used
as a medicine for skin diseases, but majum and
charas are never used as medicines.

41.  (a) Moderate use of ganja and bhang after
meals is said to be beneficial as a digestive to
those who have made it a habit.

(b) Moderate use is considered by the consumer
to give staying-power under severe exertion or
exposure, and also to alleviate fatigue.

(c) Ganja is said to be a preventive of fever
in marshy places.

(d) Bhang is often used as a preventive of

Bhang is used as a digestive by all classes who
use it either habitually or occasionally after a
meal. Ganja is considered a febrifuge both by the
occasional and habitual smoker.

42.  Moderate use of these drugs has never to
my knowledge produced any harm. I have seen
persons who were ganja smokers from their child-
hood to their old age to use it without any visible

43.  I have never seen a moderate ganja smoker
to be offensive to his neighbour, except that he
sometimes uses high words and talks too much
under its influence. I have seen, however, some
persons (occasional consumers) to be troublesome
and boisterous under the influence of bhang.

44.  The immediate effect of ganja on the habi-
tual moderate consumer is constriction of his
throat and a reeling sensation in the head. It is
refreshing to those who use it habitually. It
produces instantaneous intoxication, which seldom
lasts more than three hours. The beginner has
appetite, but the habitual smoker does not feel any
appetite. The only after-effect to a habitual
smoker is yawning. It produces a longing for
further use of the drug. A consumer of bhang
or majum has to wait for half an hour before he
perceives the effect. It has refreshing effect. It
produces intoxication, which lasts three to four
hours with the habitual consumer. It creates
appetite in the beginner. There is nothing un-
usual in its after-effects, but want of subsequent
gratification produces a longing and creates un-

45.  Habitual moderate use of bhang does not
produce any noxious effects, physical or mental.
It may have effect on his moral nature. As re-
gards ganja, I have never seen a fat ganja smoker
unless he has means enough for rich food. Ordi-
nary smokers are lean and without any flesh. It
has the most obnoxious effect when the consumer
has no means to satisfy his hunger with good
substantial food.

It does not injure digestion, but it is accelerated
by its use. If taken before a meal, it will cause

loss of appetite. It is said that its habitual and
excessive use causes dysentery and asthma. But I
have not seen any person suffer such diseases from
the use of ganja, nor have I seen any one turned
insane from the effects of ganja smoking.

46. Excessive use of ganja or bhang may lead
to insanity, but I have not known any such case.

47 and 48. The habit of smoking ganja or drink-
ing bhang cannot be said to descend to future
generations unless the children see and partake in
the use of the drug by their parents.

49.  I have never heard it practised as an
aphrodisiac. On the contrary, all the fakirs that I
have consulted have informed me that it is a pre-
ventive of lust, or, in other words, ganja smoking
diminishes the desire for sexual intercourse. I
have never known a case of impotence specially
caused by the use of ganja or bhang.

50.  Excessive use may cause all the evils men-
tioned above.

51 and 52. (a) No.

(b) I have never heard crime to have been
produced by moderate or excessive use of these
drugs. Experienced Police and Excise officers are
of the same opinion.

53.  I have never heard that unpremeditated
crime has been caused by excessive indulgence in
any of these drugs, nor of any case in which it
has led to temporary homicidal frenzy. Experi-
enced Police and Excise officers do not attribute
crime to ganja or bhang.

54.  These drugs have never been heard to be
used by criminals to fortify themselves to commit
a premeditated act of violence or other crime.

55.  I have never heard of a case of stupefac-
tion by the use of any of these drugs for the pur-
pose of committing any crime. By using a large
quantity of ganja or bhang, stupefaction can be
induced without any admixture.

56.  I have never known a case of admixture
with other substances of ganja. Sadhus some-
times use a little quantity of ganja with bhang
balls. Sometimes dhatura is so used by the sa-
dhus in order to increase the effect of intoxication.

57.  When ganja is eaten or drunk, the effect
of intoxication lasts longer.

58.  Working well.

59.  No license fee is imposed for selling hemp
by wholesale dealers who make large profits.
This may be done in future years.

60.  Nothing to suggest.

61.  Charas is not produced in this province.

62.  If production of ganja could be prohibit-
ed, I do not see why bhang could not be so pro-
hibited. In fact, it was prohibited by Excise
Commissioner's Circular No. 6075, dated the 26th
January 1893, but the circular was withdrawn.
Strict orders on the Police and on the Excise
preventive staff would enable us to enforce the

63.  For wholesale vend of ganja and bhang
there is no license fee. The ganja and bhang
goladar should pay a moderate license fee for his
wholesale business, just as a wholesale dealer of
imported liquor does. This is the most convenient
way to raise the tax levied on ganja, and conse-
quently the selling price of ganja in the market.
At present one pice worth of ganja weighing
8 grains, or half a pice worth of bhang weighing-
45 grains, is quite enough for a moderate habitual
consumer. A quart bottle of khasia liquor of 85