
The action is immediate, the eyes become con-
gested and the consumer feels cheerful. He be-
comes talkative.

Ganja, bhang, and charas are refreshing.

Ganja and bhang allay hunger. The consumers
do not feel hunger for a time.

Ganja and bhang create appetite.

The effect of ganja lasts for two to three

The effect of bhang lasts for eight to ten hours.

The effect of charas lasts for fifteen minutes to
one hour.

After-effects. Ganja.—Yes; becomes dull and
feels no inclination for work; no headache. There
is longing and uneasiness. The effects are slight
on moderate habitual consumers.

Bhang.—Yes; becomes dull and drowsy. After
bath feels better.

Charas.—No after-effect.

For habitual moderate consumers the want of
subsequent gratification does produce little or no
longing or uneasiness.

45. The habitual moderate use of ganja does
not produce any noxious effects.

Physical.—They keep good health, can work
hard, and can undertake all sorts of fatigue and
exposure. Can work in the sun without um-
brella. They feel ease and comfort, and can sleep
soundly and eat with great relish.

Mental.—Forget all sorrow, become cheerful,
talk and sing, and show mental activity.

Moral.— None.

The constitution is not impaired in any way
if healthy food, milk, dadhi, ghi, etc., are

It does not impair the digestion or cause
loss of appetite. When nutritious food is not
taken, it produces diarrhœa, dysentery, etc. They
are sometimes found to suffer from cold and

It does not impair moral sense, etc.

Bhadralok degenerate by mixing with low class
people. It does not induce laziness. Without
ganja he becomes dull, and on smoking ganja
becomes cheerful and active.

It does not induce habits of immorality like
wine. It does not induce debauchery like wine.
Ganja is considered an aphrodisiac.

Habitual moderate use does not deaden the
intellect or produce insanity. It is difficult to
say whether ganja smoking is due to insanity or
insanity is due to ganja smoking.

Insane persons smoke ganja. When they were
sane, they did not use ganja. It sharpens the
intellect. Insane persons become irritable when
they do not get ganja, but after smoking ganja
become sober. I examined two mad men at
Nasirabad and Kissoregunge in Mymensingh.
They were creating golmal near the ganja shop
and were demanding ganja.

No. 1.

Q. Has ganja smoking made you
insane ?

A. Sir, Ganja smoking does not
produce insanity, without ganja
one becomes mad.

Let me have little ganja, I shall
keep quiet.

No. 2.

A. Without ganja I am getting
mad, let me have little ganja and
I shall become sane.

As soon as a little ganja was given them for
smoking they became quiet and did not talk.

46.  Excessive.

Mental.—Becomes irritable and free from
worldly cares.


47.  Habitual moderate use of bhang, ganja or
charas does not appear to be a hereditary habit, or
to affect in any way the children of the moderate

A very few children of the lower classes learn
to use the drug from their fathers. Most of
them imbibe the habit when they attain the age
of twenty or twenty-two. The use of the hemp
drugs does not appear to be a hereditary habit.

48.  Habitual excessive use of bhang, ganja or
charas does not appear to be a hereditary habit,
or to affect in any way the children of the exces-
sive consumers.




49. As an aphrodisiac




(Ganja is used largely for

the purpose; it is common

to all intoxicating substance.

Hemp drugs are cheap and

the poor man's narcotic.)

Use by prostitutes




(It is so used by the

poorer classes of prostitutes

in East Bengal; it is said

that they can carry on their

abominable and degraded

profession with several per-

sons without fatigue or


Its use for this purpose—

Not in-

Not in-

Not in-

(In moderate dose): The

use of hemp plant does not

tend to produce impotence.

50. As an aphrodisiac




Use by prostitutes—




(Sanyasis and bairagis

smoke ganja to check animal

passions and for concentra-

tion of thoughts to a fixed

purpose. After a continued

smoking for several years

they lose all carnal appetite

and their senses are dead-


Its use for this purpose—

It is not used for

this purpose.

(In excessive dose): The

senses are deadened, but it

is difficult to say whether

the excessive use produces


51. [I examined Mr. Gopal Hari Mullick,
District Superintendent of Police (service twenty-
nine years), and several Inspectors of Police
(service twenty to thirty years).]

(a) Any large proportion of bad characters are
not habitual moderate consumers of any of these

(b) The moderate use has no connection with
crime in general or with crime of any special