(b) Some kind of scent (essence) besides
dry tobacco with ganja; and milk and various
sorts of spices, which are usually used with betels,
in addition to sugar and water, with bhang. No
use of dhatura with either ganja or bhang known.
Its use by itself is known. The object of the
admixture is to make it palatable and to impart
to it more of intoxicating power.

No preparation as bhang massala.

30.  Bhang is consumed in company, and so is
ganja also. People of the gentlemen class who
consume ganja do it in solitude. The consump-
tion of ganja is principally confined to males,
with whom the habit begins when adults. Females
have also been known to smoke ganja. Fe-
males who have become widows when very
young have been known to smoke ganja as a
means to lead a pure life. Their idea is that by
smoking ganja they would overcome their animal

31.  Yes; and when formed, it is very difficult
to abandon it. There are cases of moderate con-
sumers who have been moderate consumers all
along, but moderate consumers have also become
hard smokers.

32.   Sivratri, Fagua, Dasahra, and Muharram.
During all these festivals, with the exception of
Muharram, the consumption of bhang also is very
brisk. On the occasion of certain melas (fairs),
the consumption of these drugs also increases.

33.   On the occasion of Sivratri and Dasahra,
the consumption of ganja and bhang is considered
customary. Those who take them as mere obser-
vance of the custom are temperate, but many take
such occasion as an opportunity, and indulge ex-
cessively in these drugs. Such occasions being
rare are not likely to lead to the formation of
habits, and the immediate effect of excessive con-
sumption has been known to be injurious.

34. Consumption of bhang is not regarded with
so much hatred as consumption of ganja. The
public opinion is that ganja is generally consumed
by the lowest class of the people. The use of all
sorts of narcotics is held in disrepute, and this
being one of them, is also held as such. No such
custom as worshipping the hemp plant is known.

35.   Hard ganja smokers say that if they are
deprived of the use of ganja they will die. Mo-
derate consumers say that they would perhaps
take to some other narcotics. There is every like-
lihood of its being consumed illicitly. The pro-
hibition can be enforced only by abolishing all
ganja and its cultivation. The prohibition would
certainly cause serious discontent amongst in-
veterate consumers, but its leading to political dis-
content would depend upon the number and
nature of the consumers. Hard consumers will not
be satisfied with anything but ganja. Moderate
consumers say that those who can afford might
take to drinking.

36.   No.

37.   No charas smoking here.

38.   None.

39.   No preparation of ganja or bhang is
smoked here. Ganja by itself is smoked, but not
so bhang.

40. Bhang is used in medicine by kabirajes.
Oil prepared from ganja is also used as medicine
by kabirajes. Bhang is given to cattle as medi-
cine when suffering from cold.

41. (a) Bhang.

(b) Both ganja and bhang.

(c) Ganja, especially in damp climate.

(d) No other effect known.

As regards (a), it is the moderate and occa-
sional use. As regards (b), moderate habitual
use. As regards (c), moderate regular and not
habitual use.

42.   Moderate use has not been known to work
any serious mischief in the system.

43.  Yes.

44.   (b) Bhang and ganja both refreshing. (c)
Do not produce intoxication. (d) and (e) Do not
allay hunger, but create appetite, especially bhang,
and when taken occasionally. (f) An hour or so.
(g) None. (h) Ganja produces uneasiness.

45.   Bhang fails to create hunger, and ganja
unnerves the system if taken habitually. Ganja
would impair the constitution if the smoker does
not get sufficient food to eat. No habit of lazi-
ness or immorality or debauchery is induced by
moderate use of either ganja or bhang. Gives
power to the memory. Moderate use does not
produce insanity. No such instance known to

46.   Excessive use of bhang or ganja benumbs
a man's powers. He is quite unconscious of all
that happens about him. Excessive use of ganja
has sometimes resulted in the consumer's death
from dysentery, and sudden excessive use has made
men insane.

47.   No.

48.   Excessive use is also not hereditary.

49.   No. Prostitutes do not use it for this pur-

50.   No. Excessive use of ganja has the ten-
dency to check passion.

51 and 52. No. Those addicted to ganja smok-
ing sometimes commit little pilfering if they can-
not secure pice to pay for ganja. It is not taken
as an inducement to commit heinous crimes.

53.   No.

54.   No. Bhang or ganja taken in any quantity
never makes a man violent.

55.   They do it sometimes with ganja mixed
with dhatura. But liquor is frequently resorted
to for such purposes. Complete stupefaction may
be effected by the use of ganja in those who never
used it. Opium is also sometimes mixed with it
for the purpose.

56.   Not known.

57.   Ganja eaten very rarely. It causes throw-
ing out.

58.   Working well. May be improved.

59.   Can't suggest any for the present.

60.   Not produced.

61.   No charas produced.

62.   Cultivation of bhang should not be con-
trolled. It would not be paying to cultivate

63.   The only objection which I can see is that
there is no use of manufacturing different kinds of
ganja, such as flat, round, and chur. Ganja is
ultimately to pass into human consumption, and
for this purpose flat and round are all rendered
into chur. The manufacture of flat and round
ganja should be abandoned.

64. Exports to other province should be

65. I think it is fair.