49.  Yes, ganja is used as an aphrodisiac by
prostitutes advanced in years. The moderate use
for this purpose is not injurious. Bhang is not
used for this purpose.

50.  Excessive use of ganja as an aphrodisiac is
more injurious than its use as a narcotic, as it
produces great excitement for the time being, but
causes dullness afterwards. I am not aware if the
use of hemp produces impotence.

From my experience as a magistrate for
eleven years, I am not prepared to say
that there is any general connection
between crime and the use of ganja, either
moderate or excessive. My experience
merely amounts to knowing of an occasion-
al insane in jail whose madness was attri-
buted to the excessive use of ganja.


51 and 52.
Only a propor-
tion of bad
characters are
habitual mo-
derate consum-
ers of ganja

and bhang. There is no connection of moderate
use of the drugs with crime.
53 and 54. No.

55.  I do not know of any instance in which
criminals, in order to further their designs, induce
their victims to partake of ganja or bhang.
Complete stupefaction can be obtained by bhang.

56.  The effects of bhang used in (a) moderation,
and (b) excess, are much intensified by admixture
with sugar and milk. Tamarind destroys its
effects. The effects of ganja are not much modi-
fied by the tobacco leaf with which it is taken.
It only improves the flavour. I am not aware of
dhatura being mixed with ganja or bhang.

57.  I have no experience as to the effects of
eating or drinking ganja.

58 and 59. I would
refer to my answer to
question 35. From a
financial point of view, I
quite agree with the Ex-
cise Deputy Collector,
viz., that Government is
needlessly losing a
source of revenue by
employing middlemen.
A. E.

58. The present system of Excise Administration
in respect of hemp drugs is,
on the whole, working well;
but it is still capable of
some improvement.

59. The retail vendors
cannnot often get their
supply of ganja in due time
owing to the gazetted officer
who is to issue ganja being out on tour. This
may be obviated by permitting some responsible
ministerial officer to issue ganja. The ministerial
officer may be required to furnish a reasonable
security. Another remedy would be to permit
the goladars to pay at once the duty on the entire
quantity of ganja imported, so that they might
store and issue ganja just as they would do
in and from a wholesale imported liquor shop.
The wholesale dealers of ganja make a consider-
able amount of profit. Their profits often exceed
50 per cent. on their outlay. The system of
having these middlemen can easily be abolished,
and ganja sold from treasury like opium. The
supervisor of ganja mahals can, with a small ad-
dition to his establishment, purchase ganja from
the producers and send the drugs to all districts.
The procedure for storing and issuing would be
exactly the same as at present, and no extra
establishment will be required. If the Govern-
ment be prepared to make this outlay, I think
a fair return will be obtained on it.

60 and 61. No experience.

I think the eradication
of the wild hemp is un-
called for, if not im-
          A. E.

62.  The cultivation of the hemp plant for the
production of bhang should
be controlled. The only
means of attaining the end
seems to be to enact that

it shall be the duty of every person on whose
holding the plant may be growing to eradicate it.
If such a law be passed, I think the wild growth
of bhang may be effectually checked.

63.   Vide answer to question No. 59.

64.  No objections.

65.   (a) The duty on bhang is small in com-
parison with the duty on ganja. One-fourth of a
tola of bhang suffices to produce into intoxication.
The duty on this quantity is three tenths of a pie.
One-sixteenth of a tola of ganja would, however,
produce the same degree of intoxication. The
duty on this quantity is nearly 11/5 pie, so I think
the duty on bhang should be R2 if the present
rates continue for ganja.

(b) Any increase in the
price of ganja would pro-
bably lead to increased
consumption of spiri-
tuous liquor or opium.
A. E.

(b) The taxation of ganja is low in com-
parison with country liquor.
One powa of country liquor
of 20°under-proof is required
to produce intoxication of
the same degree as would be
produced by 1/16 of a tola of
ganja. The duty on these quantities are 2 annas
and 11/5 pie respectively. But as ganja is generally
consumed by the poorer classes of people and
liquor by the well-to-do, I would not, on the
above ground, recommend any increase in the duty
of ganja at present.

I agree.
A. E.

66. There should be different rates of taxation
for different kinds of ganja
(such as the flat, round
and broken ganja), as they contain different pro-
portions of branches in them. These branches
have to be rejected as useless at the time of sale.

No ganja from any other locality except
Rajshahi is sold in this district.

I agree.
A. E.

67. No objection.

I agree.
A. E.

68. Ganja is consumed to a certain extent on
the premises of all license
shops, but the shops do not
appear to be nuisances.

I agree.
A. E.

69.  Yes. The Excise Sub-Inspector and the
Excise Deputy Collector
make enquiries on the spot.

Local public opinion ought to be considered before
opening any shop.

70.  I am not aware of any smuggling of ganja
from any Native State into this district.

Bhang consumed in this district is gathered
from the hemp plant, which grows wild. No duty
is paid in respect of the drug. There are a few
licensed shops of bhang in this district, but there
is practically no sale in them. So long as the
wild growth of bhang is not checked by express
legislation as suggested in answer to question
No. 62, no revenue can be expected from bhang.
There is very little to be said in favour of the
drug as a narcotic. The intoxication produced
lasts for a very long time, and complete stupe-
faction can be obtained by it. In the view of the
above facts, it is not desirable to allow any untaxed
drug to pass into consumption.

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