24. People from all classes drink bhang.

25. Decrease in the case of ganja on account of
its enhanced price, and of the high price of food
grains. No increase or decrease in the case of
charas and bhang.

26. Ganja.



(a) about 75 per

90 per cent

90 per cent.


(b) " 15 "

10 "

5 "

(c) " 5 "

2 "

(d) " 5 "

3 "

27. From all classes. Association with con-
sumers in the case of all the three drugs, and use as
a remedy for disease in the case of ganja and
bhang, mainly lead to the practice.

28. Allowance by weight.


(a) Ganja 1/2 to 1 anna

21/4 to 41/2 pies.

Charas 1/2 anna

3 pies

Bhang 3 annas

11/2 pies

(b) Ganja 2 2/3 to 51/2 annas

1 to 2 annas


Bhang 1/2 chittack

11/2 annas

29.  Ganja is (a) ordinarily mixed with tobacco,
to make it bulkier, and with tobacco leaves, to
make it stronger. It is (b) exceptionally mixed
with charas to make it stronger. Dhatura is not
so used. Bhang massala is sold here for the
purpose of being mixed with bhang. Its ingre-
dients are dry rose petals, cucumber seeds, kakur
seeds, kashni seeds, kahu (lettuce) seeds, poppy
seeds, gokhura seeds, black pepper, aniseed.

30.  Ganja and charas mostly in company.
Bhang alone as well as in company. Mainly con-
fined to the male sex to middle and old age. It
is not usual for children to consume any of these

31. The habit is easily formed and is difficult
to break off. No tendency for the moderate to
develop into the excessive habit. The answers
refer to every one of the three drugs.

32. Certain sects of people, such as sanyasis,
yogis, and recluses, offer ganja to Mahadeo (the
destroying member of the Hindu Trinity). In
the mela of Tinnath or Trinath (Mahadeo) ganja
is always consumed by the votaries assembled.
On such occasions the use of ganja is essential
It is both temperate and excessive. No habit can
be formed unless such custom is frequently
observed. It is essential to drink bhang on the
day of the Navami Puja (the third day of the
Durga Puja); and on the day of Saraswati Puja
(goddess of learning). No habit can be formed
from observing these customs.

33. Consumption of ganja and charas is not
regarded with favour except in the cases of yogis,
sanyasis, and fakirs. There is a public opinion in

regard to the practice. It is disapproval. The
consumers are believed to be of irritable temper.
Consumption of bhang is not regarded with dis-
favour. There is no custom of worshipping the
hemp plant.

34.  Yes. The want of the drug brings about
lassitude, disinclination for work, loss of appetite,
dyspepsia, rheumatic, and colic pains.

35.  (d) No.

(b) Yes.

(c) By law and police vigilance.

(d) Yes.

(e) Yes.

(f) (a) No. (b) Yes.

36. No.

37. Effects similar. Of ganja instantaneous; of
charas not quite so rapid; of bhang slow, but
lasting longer, and is in some cases characterised
in the first stage of intoxication by a sense of
irascibility, the bhang consumer bursting out every
now and again into loud peals of immoderate
38. No.

40.  Medicinally bhang is used internally; ganja,
only in external applications.

41.  (a) Yes, all three are so used by consumers
from all classes.

(b) Yes, all three so used by labourers and

(c) Yes, all three so used mostly by up-country-
men who come for work here.

It is the moderate habitual use which is referred
to here.

43.  Yes.

44.  Yes, it is refreshing. Produces intoxica-
tion. Allays hunger. Creates appetite. The
above answers refer to every one of the three

Effects of ganja last fifteen to thirty minutes,
of charas, two to four hours; and of bhang twelve
to eighteen hours. No after-effects in the case of
any of the three drugs. Want of subsequent
gratification produces longing after the drug and
uneasiness, in the case of all the three drugs.

45.  Evidence on these points is conflicting.
Some of the consumers maintain, others deny,
that evil effects are produced.

46.  Habitual excessive use sometimes produces
insanity, and causes most of the evil effects refer-
red to in question 45.

47 and 48. No.

49.  Yes, sometimes. It is not so used by pros-

50.  Excessive use will produce impotence in
some cases.

123. Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON DEVENDRANATH ROY, Brahmin, Teacher of
                        Medical Jurisprudence, Campbell Medical School, Calcutta.

1. Being in Government service for over twenty
years, I have been, among other places, in Raj-
putana, the North-Western Provinces, Behar, and
Bengal, where hemp drugs are used by a large
portion of people. Latterly, since 1884, I have
been in charge of a ward of the Campbell Hos-
pital, where, among others, lunatics are treated,
and many of them do usethose drugs.

2. In places where I have served Dr. Prain's
nomenclature is known, and is used for the pre-
parations of hemp.

19. Yes, only for smoking.

20. As far as my information goes, the lower
classes of people of the North-Western Provinces,
Behar, and the Eastern Districts of Bengal smoke