45 and 46. All persons are not similarly affected
by ganja; hence even a moderate use produces
different effects in different individuals, and, fur-
ther, moderate use varies as to quantity according
to the idiosyncracies of individuals. If indulged
in for a long time, it more or less perverts the
functions of the brain, upon which its effects are
most marked. There is one characteristic with
ganja-smokers very commonly observed, and that
is their easily excitable temper. A ganzil (ganja-
smoker) is almost synonymous with hot-headed-
ness. I know many instances of improper acts
done by persons under the influence of ganja;
subsequently, when sober, they regret having done
what they did. As to physical deterioration,
while I have seen numbers of ganja-smokers who
have grown thin and emaciated with a peculiar
cachectic look about them, I have also seen many
who have maintained plumpness of their body and
limbs after years of habit. The latter class of
cases are generally found among well-to-do classes.
The difference appears to me to be due to abundant
wholesome food and good living which tend to
combat the evil effects of the drug. A ganja-
smoker badly needs some fatty food, such as ghee,
milk, etc. In the case of poor persons,—and ganja
counts legions of such persons as its votaries,—the
evil effects are in full swing. As to its effect on
digestion, a similar divergence is observed. I
think this fact is to be explained by constitutional
peculiarities. The processes of digestion appear
to be less altered by cannabis than by opium,
but a ganja-smoker cannot eat anything unless he
whips appetite by a smoke. Thus he requires an
artificial stimulus which evidently betrays some
impairment of the function. Those ganja-smokers,
who cannot command abundant wholesome food,
suffer from dysentery, but it is difficult to deter-
mine how far it is due to ganja or to improper or
inordinate food. As to asthma, although I have
not seen any typical case originating from ganja-
smoking, I know that a chronic catarrhal condition
of the air passages with a certain amount of spasm
is the misfortune of many old ganja-smokers.
I know a friend of mine who suffered from chronic
bronchitis in whom asthmatic fits were induced as
often as he attempted to smoke ganja. During
my enquiries, I have been very credibly informed
of one case where a habitual ganja-smoker got an
attack of asthma which subsided on breaking off
the habit and reappeared on resuming it. As to
impairment of moral sense, I have a decided
opinion. I think moral sense in a high degree
is inconsistent with a life of intoxication. A
ganja-smoker's sense of duty is very capricious;
as long as he has not had his mowtat (habitual
dose of ganja) he is a touchy fellow, and when up,
he is wayward. If he is the headman of the
family, woe to the members if the mowtat is for
some reason delayed. I do not think a moderate
use of ganja induces laziness provided the smoker
is well-fed. I know many servants, palki-bearers,

black-smiths, etc., who perform laborious works
although addicted to ganja-smoking. I do not
know any special habits of immorality of the

The question of ganja-smoking inducing debau-
chery will be discussed in the answer to question
No. 49.

The foregoing remarks apply to cases of moder-
ate use of ganja. I do not think moderate use
of ganja has any tendency to induce insanity; it
is, I think, only the habitual excessive use which
induces it. I am sorry I have not much in-
formation to place before the Commission in the
precise way in which the question is put as to
insanity. I have not yet had under my im-
mediate care any case of insanity induced by
ganja-smoking. I have, of course, heard of many
cases of insanity induced by ganja, but I do not
think it proper to place unsifted material before
the Commission. I have heard the story of a
case, which appears to me a typical case of ganja
insanity, and I place the story on record simply
because I think the case to be a typical one.
Bhairaba Nath Sanyal of Puthia, District Raj-
shahi, now deceased, became insane through the
effects of ganja-smoking; when insane he was
kept under restraint and he got better; when
liberated, he again took to ganja-smoking and
his insanity reappeared. This process of cure and
relapse happened several times, and every time
the fit of insanity was preceded by excessive
ganja-smoking. During one of those fits he hap-
pened to be at Bilmaria, District Rajshahi,
where he killed a boy by a lathi-blow. He was
prosecuted but was let off on the ground of in-
sanity. I am sorry my other engagements prevent
me from making enquiries and obtaining fuller
information about the case. I humbly request our
worthy Collector to institute enquiries about this
case to test its validity if he should think neces-

47 and 48. I do not think so. I have seen the
children of a veteran ganja-smoker of thirty years'
standing, who some years back used to smoke so
much as one chhatack of ganja, and they appeared
to me quite healthy.

49 and 50. Ganja is popularly regarded as an
aphrodisiac; beginners try to give a sexual
direction to the mental disturbance; veteran ex-
cessive smokers, however, do not feel any enhance-
ment of the carnal desire on account of the smoke.
Indeed, the influence of ganja as an aphrodisiac
is doubtful. Prostitutes do not use the drug for
this purpose; they use probably to sustain them
through their debauchery. The use of hemp, so
far as I am aware, does not tend to produce im-
potence. I know many ganja-smokers who
have got children. Habitual excessive use of the
drug tends to impair sexual desire, although not
to the extent of impotency.

138. Evidence of MOHES CHUNDER GHOSE, G.M.C.B., Kayasth, Medical Practitioner,
                                                      Ramnagar, 24-Parganas.

1.  There are several persons addicted to the
habitual use of ganja and charas in my village,
and my knowledge of the effects of these drugs is
based on the effects produced on them. Bhang
is used by many persons, and I have some personal
experience of its effects on myself.

2.  Ganja, charas, and bhang or siddhi are the
three names by which the different preparations

from hemp are known amongst the natives in this
part of the country.

19. So far as I am aware, ganja and charas
are only smoked and never drunk.

23. I am not aware of bhang being ever used
for smoking.

28. I have never made any enquiry on this

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