THE questions are printed on half margin, with some space between the questions.
It is desirable that when the answer is brief, it should be written in the blank space
opposite the questions. More space will, however, be required to answer some of the
questions. In these cases the answer should be written on a separate sheet, a reference
being made to it in the margin.

2.    Attention is specially invited to the necessity for distinguishing between the
different narcotic products of the hemp plant (ganja, charas and bhang), between the
different methods of using these products, and between each of these products and
any preparations of it involving the admixture of other drugs. Unless this is carefully
borne in mind by the witness, confusion will result which must render his evidence
on many points of little or no value. It will be borne in mind that hemp drugs have
no connection with opium, and the latter is entirely excluded from this enquiry.

3.  It is suggested that Commanding Officers should, in replying to these ques-
tions, freely consult the medical officer in charge, and Native Commissioned and
Non-Commissioned Officers. Questions 45 and 46 should be answered by the
medical officer.

4.  The answers should be sent direct to "The Secretary, Indian Hemp Drugs
Commission, Camp," and should be despatched so as to reach him by the 1st
March 1894 at latest.


20. Give the total strength of your regiment,
and the numbers of each caste or class of which it
is composed, showing separately—

(a)   combatants,

(b)   non-combatants,

(c)   authorized camp followers.

What numbers in each caste or class smoke
ganja and charas respectively?

24.   What numbers in each caste or class respect-
ively (a) eat or (b) drink bhang.

25.   Is the use of ganja, charas and bhang, or
of any of these drugs, on the increase or on the

Give any reasons you are able.

28. What is the average allowance and cost of
each of these drugs per diem to habitual moderate

32. Mention any customs, social or religious, in
regard to the consumption of any of these drugs.
Give an account of every such custom.

33.   How is the consumption of each of these
drugs generally regarded? Can it be said that
there is any opinion in the Native Army in regard
to the practice? If so, what? If you think that
the use of any form of the narcotic is generally in
disrepute, to what do you attribute that sentiment?
Is there any custom of worshipping the hemp plant
on certain occasions by certain sects of the people?

39.  Is the smoking of any preparation of the
hemp plant in any way a less injurious form of
consumption than drinking or eating the same or
any other preparation? Give reasons for your

41.   May the moderate use of charas, ganja or
bhang be beneficial in its effects?

42.   If not beneficial, do you consider the moder-
ate use of any of these drugs to be harmless?
Give reasons for your answer.

43.   Are moderate consumers inoffensive to their

44.   What is the immediate effect of the moder-
ate use of any of these drugs on the habitual con-
sumer? Is it refreshing? Does it produce intoxi-
cation? Does it allay hunger? Does it create ap-
petite? How long does the effect last? Are
there any after-effects? Does the want of subse-
quent gratification produce any longing or uneasi-

45.   Does the habitual moderate use of any of
these drugs produce any noxious effects-physical,
mental or moral?

Does it impair the constitution in any way?

Does it injure the digestion or cause loss of

Does it cause dysentery, bronchitis or asthma?

Does it impair the moral sense or induce laziness
or habits of immorality or debauchery?

Does it deaden the intellect or produce insanity?
In cases known to you when it has produced insan-
ity, has it appeared to you to be merely the excit-
as distinguished from the predisposing cause of
the insanity? If it produces insanity, then of
what type, and is it temporary or permanent? If
temporary, may the symptoms be reinduced by use
of the drug after liberation from restraint? Are
there any typical symptoms? Do insanes who