

Southern Gentus


Northern Gentus


Other castes


(b) Non-combatants





Other castes


The numbers given above are those who smoke
habitually, but there may be a few more who
smoke secretly.

24.  (a) and (b) There are none.

25.  On the decrease in India: there is a slight
increase when the men proceed on service, in order
to keep up health from the bad effects of climate,
malaria, cold, etc.

28. About one pie.

32.  Some use ganja in pujas and consume it
afterwards and have it issued to religious men,
such as bairagis, etc., who use it in order that
they may keep up a religious life. Some ganja-
smokers regard it as a religious act and a medicine
to keep up their health.

33.  Some consider it a bad habit, while others
regard it as a religious act to smoke ganja. We
never heard of nor saw the hemp plant being wor-
shipped by any sect of people.

39. Smoking in excess may be slightly injurious,
as the smoke is carried into the lungs. Eating or
drinking preparations in moderation medicinally
acts beneficially on the nervous system.

41.  Moderate use of these may be beneficial; it is
harmless in moderation.

42.  The moderate use of these drugs is harmless:
it promotes digestion and gives rest to nerve sys-

43.  Yes, they are inoffensive to their neighbours;
are quiet and do not interfere with anybody.

44.  Gives him slight pleasure. It is refreshing.

It intoxicates slightly. Yes, it allays hunger.

Yes, it creates appetite subsequently.

The effect lasts for about an hour or so. There
are no after-effects.

Produces longing and uneasiness if the con-
sumer be a habitual smoker.

45.  My experience of men addicted to the use
of ganja is extremely limited, and as such my
opinion on the subject must necessarily carry very
little weight.

(a)  Habitual moderate use of this drug (ganja is
chiefly used by some Telugus and Muhammadans
in the regiment) does give rise to mental torp or
and disinclination to bodily exertion.

(b) It does impair the constitution after pro-
longed use.

(c)   I have not noted any ill-effects on the
digestion by its use.

(d)  I should think it has, on the contrary, a
soothing effect on dysentery, bronchitis and

(e)  It does impair the moral sense and pro-
duces laziness.

(f)  It does deaden the intellect, but I have no
experience of its causing any form of insanity.

46.  I have not sufficient experience of the drug
to enable me to discuss the question.

49. Yes, as it gives strength to the nervous sys-
tem, it is given in the form of a confection named
laham. Laham is also given by native doctors as
a cure for dysentery.

51. (a) No.

(b)   No connection with crime in general nor
with any crime of any special character.

53.  (a) and (b) No.

54.  There has been no experience of this in the
regiment, but it is believed that the drug is used
by persons to fortify themselves to commit crimes
or acts of premeditated violence. But the habitual
ganja-smoker would be less likely to commit acts
of premeditated violence than a man who did not
smoke, as he is lacking in energy.

55.  Yes, in some cases complete stupefaction can
be induced by the drug itself without admixture.

                            Answer No. 87.

20. (a) Combatants—

Native drivers


(b) Non-combatants



(c) Authorised camp followers



24.  None.

25.  Not used by any native in my battery,
whether native lascar, artificer or syce.

                        Answer No. 88.

20. (a) Combatants



Sikhs and Hindus




(b) Non-combatants

Muhammadan (Hospital As-



(e) Authorised camp followers







No one of above smokes either ganja or charas.

24. (a) No one eats bhang.

(b) No one is in the habit of drinking bhang.
About 7 men, on an average, drink it very occa-
sionally, and this only in the hot weather.