Answer No. 167.

20. Total strength—



















Authorised camp followers











7 Muhammadans and 7 Hindus are suspected of
being ganja-smokers. None smoke charas.

24.  1 Mussulman eats bhang; 3 Mussalmans
and 3 Hindus drink bhang.

25.  The use of one or any of these drugs is on the
decrease. Any suspected of using these drugs are
watched, and those given to them usually commit
themselves in a way as to render them liable to
severe punishments.

28. It is said 3 pies per diem per man is the
daily cost.

32.  No customs, religious or social, are known
regarding the consumption of any of these drugs.

33.  The consumption of any of these drugs is
considered baneful.

It is thought in the native army that the
practice of using any of these drugs arose from
the belief that a beneficial effect is obtained in
warding off ills arising from malaria, and that the
use of any stimulates to bravery and to drive away
ennui, and hence sickness.

The use of any form of the narcotic is in dis-
repute, because the user is unfit for any duty physi-
cally, socially or morally, just as an Englishman
given up to drink is regarded.

Nothing is known of any custom of worshipping
the hemp plant.

39. The smoking of any preparation of the
hemp plant is considered a more injurious form
than drinking or eating the same or any other
preparation. A smoker of the hemp plant is more
a slave to the practice than one who drinks or
eats a preparation of it The effects are insidi-
ous, notwithstanding that the smoker is sure to
suffer complications of the bronchial tubes and the

41. The moderate use of charas, ganja or bhang
as a drink or an edible is beneficial because the pre-
parations with any of them are with articles that
natives value as health-giving and invigorating.

42 The moderate use of any of these drugs to
the smoker is injurious.

But the moderate use of any of them as a drink
or an edible is beneficial. Those going in for feats
of strength, gymnastics, wrestling, etc., have re-
course to it as a drink or an edible to set them up.

43. Moderate consumers except smokers are in-
offensive to their neighbours. Smokers become
violent, uproarious and aggressive, ready to pick
quarrels and take offence.

44.  The immediate effect of the moderate use
of any of those drugs on the habitual consumer
is to give an exhilarating feeling such as caused by
a moderate use of alcoholic preparations. It pro-
duces intoxication. Smoking allays hunger, but
eating or drinking preparations of it creates appe-
tite. The effect lasts about two hours. After-effects
are depression and a longing for more. The want
of subsequent gratification produces uneasiness.

45.  Yes. Countenance becomes changed, the
mind dreamy and forgetful; morals become lax.

The constitution is impaired. The digestion is
injured and appetite diminished.

Dysentery, bronchitis and asthma arise.
Impairs the moral sense; induces laziness; habits
of immorality and debauchery are engendered.
It deadens the intellect, irritates the brain, causing
hallucinations and ends in insanity. It is the
exciting rather than the predisposing cause of it.
It produces insanity of a temporary nature. The
symptoms may be re-introduced after liberation
from restraint. Typical symptoms are distortion
of vision and wild faces. Insanes who have no
recorded ganja history do not confess to the use of
ganja. A weakened intellect does not necessarily
crave for ganja. Little can be traced from the medi-
cal history sheets of a regiment regarding ganja or
any of its preparations, as few medical men have
knowledge of its effects. I have closely studied
the effects of ganja and can detect symptoms
arising from it and can say that with the total
withdrawal of the noxious drug the symptoms
causing it disappear until re-introduced.

46. To produce all the ill-effects that the habitual
moderate use of the drug occasions, only in a more
virulent form.

49. Although it has aphrodisiac effects, yet it is
not known to be practised as an aphrodisiac.

51. A large proportion of bad characters are
habitual consumers of these drugs. The use of it
fortifies to the committal of a crime, and the want
of it to those who cannot provide themselves with
it, to theft, to enable them to procure it. The use
of it drives to crimes of theft and violence of a
homicidal nature if goaded on or if a thought
arises that wrong must be avenged.

53.  It is said to do so.
I know no case.

54.  Sometimes.

55.  Yes.

              Answer No. 168.

20. (a) Combatants


(b) Non-combatants


(c) Authorised camp followers




Cannot be ascertained.

24.  Cannot be ascertained.

25.  Decrease, as there are very few persons
who smoke ganja and drink bhang among the

followers, and this is used to a moderate scale.

28. About 2 annas worth of ganja per mensem
and bhang are used, and no charas consumed.
