32. At certain feasts the Hindus, when mak-
ing puja, bring these drugs with their other
offerings of cheroots, liquor, etc.

33. The consumption of these drugs is general-
ly looked down upon in Madras, and the native
army shares this opinion.

I attribute the sentiment holding these
drugs in disrepute to the deleterious effect they
have upon the men. In the Madras presidency
there is no custom of worshipping the hemp plant.

39. The smoking of any preparation of the
hemp plant is more injurious than eating or drink-
ing it, as it causes the body to become emaciated.

41.  The moderate use is not beneficial in its

42.   Moderate use is not harmless in that it
leads to increased consumption.

43.  Yes.

44.  The immediate effect of the moderate use
is stimulating. It is refreshing, when only a
little is taken.

It does produce intoxication. It allays hunger,
but at the same time the men who use these
drugs are large feeders.

The effect lasts about four or five hours. The
after-effects are thirst and weariness. If a man
cannot get these drugs (when accustomed to them)
his craving for them is great and causes con-
siderable uneasiness.

45.  The moderate use of these drugs is pernici-
ous, in that it leads to excessive use as the dose is
increased. At first no evil effects may be present,
but even after continuous moderate use physical,
mental and moral deterioration takes place. The
constitution becomes impaired, the body loses flesh,
and the muscles become wasted; the mind takes
part in this degenerate change. After continuous
use the digestion becomes impaired. Have had no
cases of dysentery, etc., traceable to the use of
these preparations. After a time the moral sense

becomes perverted and there is a disinclination for
work. Am not aware that immorality or debau-
chery is produced by it.

Have had no cases of insanity under my care
since arrival in India either due to the use of these
drugs or to other causes, so do not feel qualified to
express an opinion.

In one case known to me the effects caused by
the use of ganja are extreme wasting of the body,
inability to do his work, atonic dyspepsia and great
general weakness; the man is also reported to
talk nonsense and be greatly excited when under
the influence of the drugs. Am not aware in this
case that immorality and debauchery have been
produced by it. No information has been able
to be traced by the medical history sheets.

46. Habitual excessive use produces deterioration,
physical, mental and moral. The body wastes,
the person becomes absent-minded, incapable of
concentration, vacillating, and in some cases the
mind gives way altogether and insanity supervenes.
The moral sense is perverted. It causes atonic
dyspepsia and loss of appetite. Have had no cases
of dysentery, etc., traceable to this.

Have had no experience of insane cases trace-
able to the use of any of these drugs.

49. Native doctors do use bhang as an aphro-

51. (a) No.
(b) None.

53.  The excessive indulgence in these drugs does
not incite to unpremeditated crime, nor do I
know of any case in which it has led to temporary
homicidal frenzy.

54.   No.

55.  No, but complete stupefaction can be induc-
ed by ganja or bhang without admixture.

I do not refer to charas, as it is not used by
any in the regiment, nor are its effects understood.

              Answer No. 174.


(a) Combatants

Panjabi Mussalmans


Derajat "


Baluch "


Pathan "


Hindustani "


Sikh Hindus


Dogra "


Khatris "


Hindustani Hindus




(b) Non-combatants

Panjabi Mussalmans


Baluch "


Pathan "


Hindustani "


Sikh Hindus




(c) Authorised camp followers

Panjabi Mussalmans


Pathan "


Hindustani "


Sikh Hindus




Smoke charas —

(a) Combatants



(b) Non-combatants



Panjabi Mussalmans




(c) Authorised camp followers


Smoke ganja—

24.   (a) Nil in combatant class. Nil in non-com-
batant class. (b) 2 Baluch in combatant class. 4
Baluch, 1 Panjabi Musalman, 1 Hindustani
Musalman in non-combatant class.

25.  On the decrease.

Because the men given to drugs, viz., the
Baluch, have many of them been discharged.

28. Bhang, 1 chittak at 1 anna. Charas 1/2 tola
at 2 annas.

32 There is no custom social or religious
amongst either Hindus or Muhammadans.

33. There is no opinion in this regiment con-
cerning the consumption of drugs.

It is only so far in disrepute that it is harmful
to body and mind.

None whatever as known in this regiment.

39. No. Smoking, eating and drinking are all