45. I have not noticed any bad effects in this
regiment from the moderate use.

Not the moderate use.
Not in my experience.
Not in my experience.

I think that it probably impairs the moral
senses if used for a long time, particularly charas.

I have not known it produce insanity.
I have met with no such cases.


46. Impairs the mental condition.
Impairs the physique.
Charas particularly.
I have never known it produce insanity.
49 and 51. Not to my knowledge.
53. Cannot say, as excessive iudulgence is not
practised in the regiment.
54 and 55. Not known.

              Answer No. 199.

20. (a) Combatants—569.













Of these only 3 Mahrattas, 4 Rajputs, 6 Mussal-
mans, smoke ganja occasionally.

(b) Non-combatants                            525

(c) Authorised camp followers   691
This includes families of combatants.

24.   (a) Nil.

(b) Three Rajputs drink bhang occasionally on

25.  No one takes charas. The use of ganja and
bhang are on the decrease, owing to poverty of
those who take it.

28. Average allowance less than a tola per diem,
cost per diem 1 pie.

32.  The consumption of the drugs has nothing

to do with religious matters.

Three or 4 men join together: one prepares the
drink for the assembly; he grinds the bhang and
then mixes it with water and sugar and some
spices, and then the men drink the concoction.

33.  The consumption of bhang and ganja is
not approved of by respectable natives.

Nothing is known in the regiment regarding
charas. An idea seems to exist that ganja-smok-
ing is beneficial when men are on foreign service as
in Burma, or when they march about a camp, and
the water is not good. Mussalman law forbids the
use of intoxicating drinks, and hence Mussalmans
disapprove of bhang. No one in the regiment
worships the hemp plant.

39. All methods are considered equally bad.

41.  That such use of ganja and bhang might
be beneficial is an opinion not held by many.

42.  The moderate use of ganja and bhang leads
men into low society and certainly does the consum-
ers no good, and possibly does them harm; the
practice is not approved by respectable natives.

43. No.

44.  The immediate effect does not appear to
refresh a habitual consumer.

It produces a drowsy sensation. It makes the
consumer hungry, when he is roused or rouses
himself. The effect of sleepiness lasts about fifteen
minutes in case of smoking, and in case of drinking
lasts about four hours. But one smoke or drink
does not induce a desire for further smoking or

45.  In my opinion habitual moderate use would
produce noxious effects physically, mentally and

Weakens physical and brain power.

Causes loss of appetite.


To some extent, even in habitual moderate use.

I have personally seen no case of insanity as a
result of the use of the drugs.

None to my knowledge.

None known to me in the regiment.

46.  Excessive use of the drugs is detrimental to
the physical, mental and moral conditions of these

49. No.

51. In this regiment the smokers or drinkers of
bhang are among the respectable men, not among
the men of bad character.

53 and 54. No.
55. No.

Complete stupefaction can apparently be induced
by bhang or ganja unmixed if taken in excess.

              Answer No. 200.

20. (a)







Authorised camp followers


None. The followers attached to the battery are
a class who practically do not use Indian hemp
drugs in any form.

24.  None.

25.  Unable to give any information on this

28. Have been informed that two pice worth
constitutes the average habitual moderate use of
the drugs.

32. Unable to give the required information.

33.  No experience in regard to the native army,
but camp transport followers, chiefly Mussalman,
who happen to be on the march with the battery,
state that absolutely no custom prevails of wor-
shipping the hemp plant, and that preference
is given to the use of bhang.

39.  Bhang is said to be the only preparation
used as a drink, the other preparations are smoked
in an earthenware or pipe and are said to be
(I am told) not less injurious.