33.  Practice generally looked down on and con-
demned, because it is supposed to deaden the

None worship the plant.

39.  Smoking is considered more injurious, be-
cause, the natives say, it has more effect on the
liver and internal organs.

41.  No practical benefit, except to stop dysen-
tery or diarrhœa. In such cases opium is preferred.

42.  Moderate consumption does harm. Vide
answer to question No. 33.

43.  Certainly.

44.  At first, for very short time, exhilarating,
like opium. Thereafter noxious.

Creates, does not allay hunger.

Effect lasts three to four hours. Want of sub-
sequent gratification creates uneasiness.

45.  Its moderate use for a period of years
decidedly impairs mental, moral and physical
strength, and in the order named, mental failure
being first noticed.

The digestion does not appear to be much affected.

It does not cause dysentery, but seems to cause
chest affections. Asthma can, however, frequently
be relieved by smoking ganja.

It is used as an aphrodisiac; it causes mental
inertia and impairs will power. It seems to
be strong predisposing cause of insanity. The
mental equilibrium of its devotees is easily upset.
The symptoms are of those characteristic of demen-
tia rather than of mania. Those cases I have
heard of have been permanent.

Persons of naturally weak intellect do not
indulge in ganja as a rule. One sepoy used the drug
for at least two years. He then became insane
and has been so since.

A sepoy used the drug for one year, and became
insane. He is still so and quite dumb.

A sepoy, after seven or eight years' use of the
drug, became violently insane, and committed
murder and suicide. This is I believe, a rare
thing for a ganja-eater to do.

46. In the course of a few months, the man
became a complete mental and physical wreck, the
former symptoms setting in first. Insanity or
some intercurrent disease, frequently of the chest,
are very liable to occur.

49. Yes, ganja is used as an aphrodisiac, given
by hakims, mixed up with other drugs in

51. No connection ordinarily between bad
character and the consumption of ganja.

Partly accountable for violent crime.
53. (a) Yes.

(b) I know personally of one case of murder,

followed by murderer's suicide, in all probability
due to the excessive consumption of ganja. 1 was
president of the court of inquest that drew this
conclusion. Nearly all my native officers know of
murders and attempts at it, attributable to same

54 and 55. Yes.

              Answer No. 209.

20. (a) Combatants








Bombay presidency













Other Hindus


(b) Non-combatants





(c) Authorised camp followers

Hindus (Dhur)




Ganja is the cheapest form and that most used
in this part of the country, other very little used.
Principally smoked by lower classes, but used by

Even approximate numbers cannot be given,
as no men will own to the habit, it being regarded
as a disgrace.

"Ganjeri" or "ganja pinawalla" is a term of

25. From enquiries from those most competent
to form an opinion, I consider it to be slightly
on the increase.

28. Two pipes of ganja daily, costing 3 pies
the two pipes, or about 8 annas a month. Bhang
with sugar, etc., costs about 2 rupees a month.
Charas is not sold here.

32.  The Hindustani Hindus, I am informed,
have all to take it by custom on the day of
Shivratri, and also on the Basant Panchami,
immediately before the Holi holidays. Low-caste
Hindus in the Dekkhan take it in the month of
Sharawan (October) as a religio-social custom.
They all sit round a guru, who preaches, and the
chillum is passed round, to be taken or rejected at

33.  The drug itself, generally, is in disrepute,
because it is recognised to be frequently harmful.
Charas is regarded as the worst form of the nar-
cotic. I am unable to ascertain whether the plant
is worshipped or not on occasions.

39. Smoking is considered the more injurious
form of consumption; and smoking charas the
worst of all. It produces in old habitués chronic
bronchitis, emphysema, dyspnœa and much
wasting. During the sleep which follows the
eyes are deeply congested. A person under its
influence, though apparently perfectly rational,
will probably subsequently forget all orders given
him when in that state. My reasons are derived
from personal observations, and from the experi-
ences of a confirmed ganja-smoker.

41.  Yes, when taken for a temporary purpose
medicinally, but not as in the case of a habit,
moderately or otherwise.

42.  I have known one single inhalation of
ganja to produce insanity for many weeks in a
recruit. The congestion of the eye till recovery
occurs in habitual moderate ganja-smokers is a
sufficient answer to any careful observer, the eye
being the index to the state of the brain. It has
the reputation of not only temporarily occasionally