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MY dear Johnny Bull the laſt mail
brought over your kind invitation,
And ſtrongly it tempts us to ſail
in our boats, to your flouriſhing nation.
But Prudence ſhe whiſpers, ' Beware,
don't you ſee, that his fleets are in motion ;
He'll play you ſome d—d Ruſe de Guere,
if he catches you out on the ocean."


Our fears they mount up up, up,
our hopes they ſink down-y down-y
Our hearts they beat backwards and forwards
our heads they turn round-y round-y.

You ſay that pot-luck ſhall be mine,
Je n'entens pas ces mots, Monſieur Bull ;
But I think I can gueſs your deſign,
when you talk of a good belly-full.
I have promis'd my men, with rich food,
their courage and faith to reward ;
I tell them your puddings are good,
tho' your dumplings are rather too hard.
Chor. O my Johnny, my Johnny,
and O my Johnny, my deary,
O let us, good fellows, come over,
to taſte your beef and beer-y.