( 3 )

As theſe poor wretched creatures
lay bleeding in their gore :
Such deeds our annals can't relate,
ſince Britons bore the ſway,
As was atchiev'd by ALBION'S SONS,
on this moſt brilliant day.

All nature ſeem'd to ſtand agaſt,
at this moſt horrid ſight,
The ſun retir'd beneath the hills,
and dropt the veil of night.
Nineteen of their fineſt ſhips
we captur'd on the main,
Likewiſe three of their Admirals
were by us pris'ners ta'en.

But the laurels of this action,
met with a fatal check,
Our brave commander being ſlain
upon the quarter-deck;
'Twas in the height of battle
he receiv'd a muſket ſhot,
Which did pierce his left breaſt,
alas! it was his lot.

But his noble deeds and actions
ſhall ſine in future ſtory,
And his brave NAME ſhall be rever'd,
as Briton's boaſt and glory :
And may the ſad ſurvivors
with comfort ſtill be fed,
Likewiſe the wives and children of thoſe
who for their country bleed.