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Down topſail, boys, the gale comes on,
The ſtrike top-gallant yards they run;
And now to hand the ſail prepar'd,
Ned cheerful ſings upon the yard,
       A Sailor's life,&c.

A leak!—a leak!—come lads, be bold,
There's five feet water in the hold!
Eager on deck fee Haulyard jump,
And, hark! while ſinging at the pump,
A Sailor's life, &c.

And ſeeing the veſſel nought can ſave,
She ſtrikes, and finds a wat'ry grave:
Yet Ned preſerv'd, with a few more,
Sings, as he trades a foreign ſhore,
       A Sailor's life,&c.

And now unnumber'd perils paſt,
On land as well as ſea, at laſt,
In tatters to his Poll at home,
See honeſt Haulyard ſinging come,
       A Sailor's life,&c.

Yet for poor Haulyard, what diſgrace !
Poll ſwears ſhe never ſaw his face:
He d—d her for a faithleſs ſhe,
And ſinging goes again to ſea,
       A Sailor's life,&c.