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The Soldier call'd her jewel,
and ſwore he never would
Be unkind and cruel
to the girly he dearly lov'd.

The tears did trickle down
her lovely roſy cheek;
She was ſo fill'd with love,
a word ſhe ſcarce could ſpeak.

She ſaid, My dear, much rather
I would go along with you,
And leave my aged father,
and loving mother too:
For there can be no pleaſure,
neither for you or me,
But ſorrow without meaſure,
when you are gone to ſea.

Farewell, my deareſt Nancy,
my joy and heart's delight,
For I am going to the Indies,
my country's ſoes to fight.

        F I N I S.

 Falkirk, Printed by T.Johnston,