To think ſhe bad been betrav'd, being n young
ſilly maid.
But ſhe knew not the ſchernes young Jockey had

But out of the baſh young Jockey he ſprang,
For out of the buſh young Jockey he came,
He gently ſtept, beſide her, and ſtole from her a
But ſhe ſhyly drew back, ſaying why do you this.

Sothe charms of love they began for to flow.
And he has ta'en her down to the cottage below,
There he kiſs'd her again. her joys to renew,
Whilſt their lammies ſept along in the ſweet
morning dew.

So now to conclude and make an end of my ſong,
She's left her ewe lambs and ſollow'd her ſwain,
Sysa your ſheep and my ſheep ſhall feed all in one
And we'll range the green woods over and over


COME a' ye bards, wi' loud acclaim,
High glory gie to gallant Graham,
Heap laurels on our Marshal's name,
The Hero of Vittoria.
Triumphant freedom smil'd on Spain,
And rear'd her formly state again,