In respect to this point, the information received from Mainpuri is imperfect, if
not very incorrect. Eliminating the figures referring to that district, the account
stands for the remaining districts-3.5 children born to each leper, and 1.7 living.
That is the average for each leper, male and female, of the list. A very con-
siderable number of the married lepers were childless, but by far the greater
majority had been parents to fairly large families, and as many as 282 of the
persons examined had had families ranging in number from 5 to 18 children.
I think the evidence is conclusive that lepers are as prolific as mankind in
28. The periods of cohabitation, after the disease appeared, between man and wife
in the case of the 1,253 married lepers, or lepers who had been married, are divisible
as follows:
Less than
6 months.
From 6 months to 5
For more than
5 years.
Separated at
time of at-
tack or hus-
band or wife
dead previ-
ous to attack.
Number of presons ...
The table provides, in columns 2, 3, and 4, a total of 855 cases in which cohabita-
tion continued after the disease appeared in either husband or wife.
Of these 855 cases the histories expressly state that in 831 the disease was not
communicated to the healthy husband or wife, and that in 24 cases both husband and
wife were lepers, or became lepers.
29. As this favours in some measure an opinion of the contagious nature of the
disease, it is necessary to record the exact circumstances in regard to these 24 cases.
In thirteen of them I find that both husband and wife were acknowledged lepers
at the time of marriage, twelve of these cases of leper marriages having occurred in
the Almora Leper Asylum as part, apparently, of the system in force there.
Of the remaining eleven cases the following is a detailed account, so far as it can
be rendered from the records provided:
No. 1.-The case of Nachal, 40 years of age, a sweeper, who married a woman
who had leprosy, and at the age of 24 became himself a leper. No one of his own
family had suffered from leprosy.
No. 2.-The case of Mirwar, aged 45,.a Muhammadan weaver. His father and
elder sister were lepers, and he himself became a leper at 30 years of age. His wife
continued to live with him, and eventually suffered from leprosy.
No. 3-The case of Dhuman, aged 55, a Hindu weaver. Has no recollec-
tion as to the previous occurrence of leprosy in his own family. Became a leper at
45. His wife continued to live with him, and suffered from leprosy.
No. 4.-The case of Dhalip, aged 50, a cultivator. No one of his own family
had been a leper. Became a leper at. 48, and his wife was affected with the same
complaint one year afterwards.
No. 5.-The case of Gauri Shankar, aged 36, Rajput. His elder brother
was a leper, and he himself became a leper at 32. His wife lived with him for two
years afterwards, and was affected with leprosy.
No. 6.-The case of Sitabu, aged 40, a Muhammadan woman. Her grand-
father and father were lepers, and she became a leper at 28. Her husband lived
with her for one year after she was affected, and he suffered from leprosy.
No. 7.-The case of Bishn, aged 45, cultivator. His grandfather was a
leper. His wife became a leper and died. Afterwards, at the age of 43, he him-
self was attacked with leprosy.
No. 8.-The case of Mani, aged 28, a sweeper. No blood relation affected.
Became a leper at 18, and afterwards his wife was affected with leprosy.
No. 9.-The case of Mli, aged 60, a cultivator. No member of his family
previously affected. Became a leper at 40. His wife continued to live with him
and was affected, but whether before or after the husband is not stated.
No. 10.-The case of Sobah, aged 50, a cultivator. No blood relation had
been a leper. His wife's father died of leprosy. His wife was attacked with
leprosy in 1870 and he became a leper in 1871, at the age of 46.
No. 11.-The case of Ramphal. aged 60, a Brahman landlord. His uncle
was a leper. His wife became a leper when he was 38 years old; they continued to
live together, and he himself became a leper at 50.