certified by a Medical officer holding Her Majesty's Commission, or some other Medical officer empowered by the Committee to certify in this behalf, to be due to some cause other than the plague, has occurred in any building, the Committee may cause the inmates of such building to be segregated in such place as they may appoint for a period not exceeding ten days, and may prevent such building from being used as a human habitation in the meanwhile.
7. If the Committee are of opinion that any building is in such an insanitary condition as to be unfit for human habitation, they may prohibit the further use of such building as a dwelling house.
When such prohibition has been made, no owner or occupier of such building shall use or suffer the same to be used for human habitation until the Committee give him permission in this behalf.
For the purpose of enforcing this regulation, the Committee may, if necessary, forcibly remove or cause to be removed any person from such building.
8. If it shall appear to the Committee that any building used as a dwelling is so overcrowded as to endanger the health of the inmates thereof, they may by written order require the owner or occupier of the building, within a period to be fixed by the Committee, to abate the overcrowding thereof by reducing the number of inmates thereof.
For the purpose of enforcing this regulation the Committee may, if necessary, at the expiration of the time prescribed in the written order, forcibly remove or cause to be removed such and so many of the inmates of the building as shall seem to them proper.
9. In the case of any building ordered to be vacated under Rule 6, 7, or 8, and in the case of any other building or enclosure which may appear to them to be in a filthy or insanitary condition, the Committee may require the owner or occupier to carry out, or may of their own motion carry out, such measures as may seem to them necessary for the purpose of cleansing, ventilating or disinfecting such building or enclosure, and for the purpose of such cleansing, ventilating or disinfecting may, if necessary, forcibly break open and enter any such building or enclosure, and may remove and disinfect or destroy any articles found therein.
10. The Committee are empowered to remove or burn any huts or temporary erections in which a case of plague is believed by them to have occurred.
11. The Committee are empowered to make regulations, when they deem necessary, for the purpose of enforcing burial in certain places or at a certain depth and for requiring that quicklime be placed with the corpse; and may prohibit the burial or burning of corpses of persons reasonably supposed to have died of the plague in or upon ground other than that specially assigned by them for such purpose.
12. The Committee may for the purpose of military camps, segregation camps, hospitals, burial grounds, warehouses or offices take possession of and occupy any vacant ground or building either within or without the limits of the City and Suburban Municipalities of Poona and the Poona Cantonment, such compensation being afterwards made to the owner or occupier thereof as may be awarded by a Panch constituted as provided in Rule 13.
13. For the property destroyed under Rule 9, no compensation shall be payable to the owner. No property shall be destroyed under Rule 10, until the value of it has been assessed by a Panch consisting of the Poona City Magistrate and two other members appointed by him. The award of the Panch shall be final and conclusive.
14. The Committee are empowered to temporarily impress carts or other vehicles ordinarily let for hire with the beasts necessary to draw them and labourers or coolies, and to make payments for the same at rates fixed by the Committee.
15. The City and Suburban Municipalities of Poona, the Poona Cantonment Committee, and all the officers and servants of those Municipalities and of that Committee, and all public servants and all persons employed by the Committee, shall carry into effect, without delay, any measures which may be ordered by the Committee.
16. On the requisition of the Committee, the District Superintendent of Police Poona, shall give such assistance as may be necessary in order to enforce immediate compliance with any order of the Committee.
17. The principal occupant of a house or building or the principal surviving member of a family shall give immediate information to the Secretary of the Municipality or Cantonment within the limits of which the house or building is situated of the occurrence in the house or building, or amongst the members of the family, of-
(a) any sickness due or likely to be due to plague, (b) any death, whatever may be the cause of it.
18. On receipt of information of any death, the Secretary shall immediately register the death and give the informant a certificate that the death has been registered.