The strength of the affected jails is 11,828, the percentage of admissions
to strength 3.07, and of deaths to admissions 45. Of the 363 admissions there
were 5 in January, 2 in February, 53 in March, 57 in April, 74 in May, 4 in
June, 49 in July, 20 in August, 56 in September, 9 in October, 28 in Novem-
ber, and 6 in December.
Taking all the figures together, the monthly prevalence of the disease is
shown in the accompanying diagram. The districts shown to be affected by
cholera in 1867 are marked on the map for that year.
From the above returns it appears that the cholera of 1867 in the Bengal
Province was much less prevalent than in the preceding year. In 1866, as in
1863, cholera seems to have prevailed with considerable epidemic force all
over the Bengal Province. In 1867 the disease appears to have subsided to
its ordinary rate of prevalence, at least as concerns its annual incidence, among
the troops and jails in the province.