and the preceding month an unusual preponderance of northerly over souther-
ly winds. An excess of westerly winds continued throughout July. In
August the winds became easterly, a change generally characteristic of Sep-
tember, and an indication of the approaching close of the monsoon. In
September the winds were less easterly in the Lower Provinces; to a less
marked degree in the Eastern Provinces. In October, in Bengal Proper and
Orissa northerly winds prevailed to an unusual degree, in Bihar the direction
was from the west, and somewhat southerly. This tendency continued to the
close of the year. The movement of the air in January was low; in March
and April above the mean; in May much below it in the delta and to the
eastward, and above it to the west and in the Ganges valley. This continued
to a more or less extent in July and throughout the rains, the difference
being especially marked in September. In November and December there
was a brisker movement of the air, except at Chittagong, Silchar, and
Food-supply.-The staple articles of food in the province, as a whole, were
dearer than usual, but prices were not high. No direct connection between the
food-supply-either as to quality or quantity-and any special prevalence of
diseases has been reported.