In January the disease was present in 211 circles of 34 districts. From
February it gradually spread over the districts, increasing also the intensity,
until April, when 367 circles in all the 44 districts were suffering. In May
the disease began to decline and continued to do so month by month till the
minimum prevalence of the year was reached in September. In October
there was again an increased prevalence of cholera, the mortality being more
than double that of the preceding month, and about equalling that of February.
In November this increase considerably more than trebled itself, and con-
tinued at this high degree of intensity during December, in correspondence
with the rise in March and April, though at a greatly increased rate of
prevalence and mortality, the disease being present in all the districts in
November and December.
The monthly rise and fall of cholera mortality in 1875 is shown in the
subjoined diagram:-
Cholera Mortality in the Bengal Province in 1875.
Total mortality 1.80 per 1,000 of population.
The district that suffered most from cholera in 1875 was Nuddea. The
disease prevailed throughout the year in all of its 33 registering circles, "and
as usual, was specially fatal in what may be called the drying months,
February, March, and April, and again in November and December.* * *
The mortality from this cause in the entire district and for the whole year
was 548 per 1,000 of population, and 999 out of the 3,691 villages were
Jaisur.-In this district also cholera prevailed throughout the whole
year and in 1,352 out of 4,247 villages. Here also the same periods of
endemic intensity occurred. March and November, with similar intervals of
subsidence-July to September. The malady was not confined to any locality,
but the cases were scattered over the whole district.
24-Parganahs.-Similar remarks apply to this district, but the disease
increased and declined with less suddenness, and the number of cases were
spread more evenly over each month, though there was a decided lull in July
August, and September. The reported number of deaths from cholera amounted
to 7,109, and 1,330 villages out of 4,991 in the district were affected.