country the deficit of rainfall was generally greater near the Himalayas than
further south. The second area of scanty precipitation lies south of the
Ganges, extending from the Rajmahal Hills on the east into the
Shahabad district on the west. It includes the greater portion of South
Bihar and the northern parts of the Province of Chota Nagpur. The deficency
of rainfall was not so large in this second region as in the tract above
mentioned. In the remainder of the province of Chota Nagpore the rainfall of
the year was above average. This was likewise the case in the northern
portion of Orissa. In the northern districts of Orissa the total rainfall of the
year was ususually large.
Food-supply.-With very few exceptions the average price of the
three principal food-grains-wheat, rice, and pulses-was much lower in 1875
than in 1874. On the whole the yield of the year was plentiful, and there
was no distress for want of food.