Distribution of Leprosy. 117
deplorable. Table XIX thus seems to imply that where the
religious belief is coupled with bad social conditions the leper
ratios are highest, while, when favoured by exceptional surround-
ings, the proportion decreases considerably. Intermediate are
the Hindus, Christians, and Muhammadans, and these may
be said to represent the average population of India as regards
personal and hygienic conditions.
II.-At the recent enumeration the lepers were arranged
according to caste, since a classification based on the various
forms of religious belief becomes more and more uncertain,
as time and enlightenment advance, and is thus open to
critiism. Drs. Lewis and Cunningham, as far as opportunities
were offered, enquired into the relation of caste to leprosy.
Their investigation, however, was confined to Kumaun only.
They write in their report as follows: " As the inhabitants of
Kunmaun virtually consist of two classes only--Rajputs and
Domtes, the former representing an Aryan population, the
latter the Aboriginal people, whilst other classes are only very
sparingly represented--the evidence, such as it is, is in favour
of impartial distribution of the disease."
The Commissioners can assert with confidence, from
personal experience and enquiry, that no caste is exempt.
It remains only to examine to what degree the various classes
are affected, and whether one or other body is relatively more
liable to suffer from leprosy.
Unfortunately it was impossible to obtain statements of
the lepers arranged according to castes from the various
provinces or presidencies. Accurate details could be obtained
from the Punjab only, and the following remarks therefore
apply exclusively to this province. As far as general impres-
sions go, however, the conclusion derived from the statistical
evidence of the Punjab leper population may be taken to
represent the state of affairs in India generally.
ln the following table the lepers have been arranged ac-
cording to castes, the latter being again subdivided as to their