finer late rice by the rich. In the South, or Mahratta-speak-
ing part of the Central Provinces, in Berar, in Bombay, the
Deccan, and the northern part of Madras, the two large millets
-jowar and bajra-form the principal food, the Brahmins usu-
ally living on imported rice and wheat. In Mysore the ordi-
nary food is the small millet (ragi). In the southern part of
Madras and the western districts of Bombay rice is chiefly
consumed, though there is a good deal of millet grown and
eaten." All classes mix pulses with their food in order to ob-
tain the necessary nitrogenous elements. Maize,though grown
more or less everywhere, is not so largely consumed as might
have been expected. Vegetables, such as spinach, pumpkins,
carrots, potatoes, and useful wild herbs are largely used, and
condiments, such as chillies, are taken with the meal to assist
digestion. Fruit, such as that of the mhowa, mango, plantain,
and cocoanut are eaten when obtainable, and oil and salt form
part of every dietary.
Both sea and fresh-water fish are largely consumed wherever
they can be caught. Dried fish is used all round the coast,
especially in the Madras Presidency and Burma. In the latter
country "nga-pi" or dried fish, more or less in a state of
decomposition,is almost universally eaten, but in small quanti-
ties and more as a condiment than as a food.
It would be a mistake to suppose that the consumption of
fish in India is in any degree confined to the coast or the
vicinity of large rivers. Nearly every tank, pond, lake, or rivu-
let holds species which are caught and eaten. In many parts
of India this forms a portion of the dietary of even the higher
Food in India is usually eaten out of metal or earthen
vessels, or platters made of dried leaves, the consumer sitting
on the ground, or upon a mat, and using the fingers in place of
knives and forks. Among Hindus it is customary for the males
to eat before the females. Flesh is roasted, stewed, or boiled,
pulses are usually boiled, and grain is either parched, or far