Explanation of Plate III.
FIG. I.-Culture of bacillus in bouillon on eleventh day (original
culture). Carbol-fuchsin; water; 20 per cent.
nitric acid. Winkel Homog. Immersion 1/14,
ocular 4.
FIG. 2.-Same culture as Fig. I; five days later, showing hull.
Gram's Method, Winkel Homog. Immersion 1/14,
ocular 4.
FIG. 3.-Second generation on gelatine; three days old. Carbol-
fuchsin; water, and subsequent 20 per cent. nitric
acid. Winkel Homog. Immersion 1/14, ocular 4.
FIG. 4.-Second generation on Agar from first generation on
Agar; two days old. Carbol-fuchsin; water, and
subsequent 20 per cent. nitric acid. There is a
hull round a few bacilli, and being drawn in water,
these appear rather large.
FIG. 5.-First generation on Agar from original; three days old,
showing the commencing grouping together of
the bacilli owing to the development of a mucin (?)
hull. Magnification as above.
FIG. 6.-A small colony of first generation on Agar; five days
old, showing peculiar grouping of bacilli into
heaps very comparable to the grouping in tissues.
Methyl Blue. Winkel 1/14, ocular 3.
FIG. 7.-Culture of bacillus resembling the vacuolated bacilli
figured by Neisser. Magnification as above.
FIG. 8.-Appearance exhibited by bacilli described by Neisser as
Kugel Bacteria. Magnification as above.
All the figures were drawn with the Camera Lucida.