waste has followed and but little success has been attained. Suck
efforts can only lead to disappointment and final abandonment as
valueless of a measure which, under expert advice and direction and
with proper organisation, appears to offer, in conjunction with belter
attention to the material wants and the comfort of the coolie, the most
likely solution of the problem of Duars' malaria.
Already a number of European bungalows in the Duars have been
partially protected with wire gauze screens to doors and windows.
But in many cases the protection afforded is very limited or used
in so perfunctory a manner as largely to nullify its value. It is
our impression that a very undesirable ecomony is often exhibited
on this matter, a single room being screened while the verandah,
which during the greater part of the year is most used, is left un-
The removal of collections of native huts from the vicinity of bun-
galows has in a few cases been effected, and the improvement has in
this respect led to little or no inconvenience, and has been carried out
at small cost, the majority of the native houses being of such a tempo-
rary nature. Some gardens have adopted petrolage ; but we know
of no instance in which this measure is being carried out at the present
in a manner which can produce any result. In no case, except the
one to which we have previously alluded, has the magnitude of the
work or the difficulties to be overcome been at all understood.
The most efficient measure of prophylaxis, and one which has
been largely adopted by the Europeans in the Duars, public opinion
having recognised its value, is the habit of taking quinine daily in
5 grain doses. Tabloids are almost universally used and in many o the
sub-districts only a small minority of European residents fail to
make use of this remedy or complain of any difficulty in doing so.
In our experience 5 grains of quinine taken daily has, after the first
week or so, no apparent physiological effect ; and we have ourselves
taken this dose for many months at a time without experience any