(c) The automatic reduction of the factor of non-immune immi-
gration by these means leading to-
(1) Diminished loss of life and labour in the district, reduc-
ing the amount of annual immigration necessary.
(2) Increased efficiency of the labour forces and a greater
proportion of the total garden population turning out
to work.
(3) Permanent colonization by coolies in good circumstances
able to combat malaria successfully.
(4) Breaking off the vicious cycle at present holding sway
by which increased immigration means increased mala-
ria and consequent increased immigration.
(10) The remote effects to be considered are-
(1) The drain on the best labour available in Bengal.
(2) The possibility of the formation of foci resulting from the
return of infected persons to the recruiting districts from
which they were drawn, with the result, in some specially
favourable circumstances, of great epidemics of malaria in
districts now comparatively healthy.