In practice I have been in the habit of measuring 51/2 oz. (51/4 cool)
into an ordinary wine bottle and filling up the bottle with concentrated
commercial hydrochloric acid. The bottle then contains 4 oz. by weight
of mercury perchloride, and 20 fluid oz. of hydrochloric acid, and its
contents are sufficient to prepare 25 gallons of disinfecting fluid
Mercuric perchloride, 1-1000.
Hydrochloric acid, 5-1000.
This proportion of acid has been found to give the best results.
If it is desired to prepare smaller quantities of disinfecting fluid, the
contents of the bottle are thoroughly shaken up, and 1 oz. added for every
gallon of disinfecting solution required.
For the preparation of the concentrated mercuric solution, any glazed
porcelain or earthenware vessel may be used; and this may be conveni-
ently covered outside with clay and built into an ordinary clay fireplace.
The contents may then be ladled out with a porcelain or wooden
dipper. It cannot be too strongly or too frequently reiterated that no
metal vessels, &c., are to be used in the preparation or application of
this mercuric solution. Even enamelled iron vessels are rapidly
corroded by mercuric solution of slight concentration.