KASHI.-M. Barlirostris larv in well in S. No. 95, rice-fields in S. Nos. 3 and 6,
adults in cowshed in Gauthan; Ny. Fuliginosus adults in cowshed in Gauthan;
Ny. Jamesii larv in rice-field in S. No. 14.
KAVESAR.-M. Barbirostris adults in cowshed in Gauthan; Ny. Fuliginosus adults
in cowshed in Gauthan of Waghilpada.
KIROL.-M. Barbirostris adults in pacca house in Gauthan.
KOLSET.-Ny. Barbirostris larv in tank, wells in S. Nos. 247 and 268, well in
S. No. 10 of Tarichapada; Ny. Fuliginosus adults in cowshed in Gauthan of Taricha-
KONDIVTA.-Ny. Fuliginosus adults in cowsheds in Gauthan.
KOPRI.-Ny. Barbirostris adults in cowshed in Gauthan; Ny. Fuliginosus larv
in rice-field in S. No. 36, adults in cowshed in Gauthan; N. Punclulata adult in
cowshed in Gauthan.
KURLA.-Ny. Fuliginosus larv in rice-fields in S. Nos. 211, 253 and 262, pools
in S. Nos. 212 and 215; My. Culicifacies larv in well.
KURAR.-M. Barbirostris larv in well in S. No. 11; Ny. Fuliginosus larv in
tank in S. No. 3; My. Culicifacies larv in well in S. No. 5; My. Listonii larv in well
in S. No. 11, streams in S. Nos. 5 and 30.
MAGATNA.-Ny. Fuliginosus adults in cowshed on Gauthan; Py. Jeyporiensis
adults in cowshed in Gauthan.
MAHUL.-Ny. Fuliginosus larv in rice-fields in S. Nos. 2 and 66, in tank to the
south of S. No. 179, in stream to the east of S. No. 172; M. Barbirostris larv in
wells of S. Nos. 139 and 147; My. Culicifacies larv in stream to the north of
S. No. 151; Ny. Jamesii larv in well of S. No. 1.
MANJIVDA.-My. Culicifacies adults in cowshed; M. Barbirostris adults in
cowshed on Gauthan; Ny. Fuligenosus adults in cowsheds and larv in rice-fields.
MALAD.-My. Culicifacies larv in wells of S. Nos. 1, 2 and 102; Ny. Fuligi-
nosus adults in cowsheds on Gauthan, larv in well and in rice-field in S.No. 106;
M. Barbirostris adults in cowshed on Gauthan.
MALAVNI.-M. Barbirostris larv in well in S. No. 12 and other well;
Ny. Fuliginosus larv in tank to the east of S. No. 99, and in wells of S. Nos. 50,
64 and 84.
MARAWALI.-M. Barbirostris larv in well; Ny. Fuliginosus larv in tank;
My. Jamesii larv in rice-field; Ne. Stephensi larv in puddle.
MATMAULI (MOUNT MARY OR BANDRA HILL).-M. Barbirostris larv in wells of
S. Nos. 27, 271, 282, 270, 281, 282, 270, 246, 268, 281, 280, and in wells of houses
Nos. 4, 38 and 81; Ny. Fuliginosus larv in well; My. Culicifacies larv in wells of
S. Nos. 281, 282 and 270; My. Lisloni larv in wells of S. Nos. 27, 271, 282 and a
well of bungalow No. 38.
MANJAS.-M. Barbirostris adults in cowshed on Gauthan; Ny. Fuliginosus
adults in cowshed and hut of Gauthan.
MAHN KHURD.-M. Barbirostris larv in wells of S. Nos. 58, 91 and 88; Ny.
Fuliginosus larv in stream.
MANPADA.-M. Barbirostris larv in well; Ny. Fuliginosus adults in cowshed
of Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larv in well; Ne. Stephensi adults in cowshed on
MAROL.-M. Barbiroslris adults in cowshed on Gauthan; Ny. Fuliginosus in
house and cowshed on Gauthan.
MIRA.-M. Barbirostris larv in Dhobidai stream and Chari Tank and in rice-
fields, adults in cowshed on Gauthan; Ny. Fuliginosus larv in puddles and tank,
adults in cowsheds on Gauthan, in streams, in tank and in rice-field; My. Culicifacies
larv in Sarkari well, puddle and rice-field; Ny. Jemesii larv in rice-field; My. Listoni
larv in rice-field.
MULUND.-Ny. Fuliginosus adults in cowsheds on Gauthan; My. Culicifacies
larv in well in S. No. 30 and in rice-field in S. No. 16, adults in cowshed on Gauthan.
NAHUR.-My. Culicifacies larv in well, stream in S. No. 1, puddle in S. No. 102;
Ny. Jamesii larv in well and rice-field.
NAUALA.-M. Barbirostris larv in rice-fields; Ny. Fuliginosus larv in rice-fields,
in well and in stream; My. Culicifacies larv in streams.
NAVPADA.-Ny. Fuliginosus larv in rice-field in S. No. 42, adults in cowsheds
on Gauthan; N. Punctulata adults in cowshed on Gauthan.
OSHIVRA.-Ny. Fuliginosus larv in well in S. No. 48; My. Culicifacies larv
in puddle in S. No. 48.
PACHAKOLI.-M. Barbirostris larv in puddle; Ny. Fuliginosus larv in puddle.
PAHADI.-Ny. Fuliginosus adults in cowshed on Gauthan.
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