PALI HILL.-M. Barbirostris larv in well in S. No. 325; Ny. Fuliginosus
larv in well in S. No. 264; My. Culicifacies larv in wells in S. No. 325; My. Listoni
larv in wells in S. Nos. 6, 161 and 325.
PAVAI.-Ny. Fuliginosus larv in tank; Ny. Jamesii larv in tank.
POISAR.-M. Barbirostris larv in well, adults in cowshed on Gauthan; Ny. Fuli-
ginosus larv in puddle and in stream S. No. 5; adults in house and cowshed on
Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larv in well in S. No. 5 and rice-field; M. Listoni
larv in well in S. No. 5.
SANTA CRUZ.-Ny. Fuliginosus larv in rice-field in S. No. 377; My. Culicifacies
larv in well in S. No. 114 and other; My. Listoni adults in building in Gauthan.
THANA.-M. Barbirostris, larv in wells in S. Nos. 56, 122, 194, 127, and in rice-
field in S. No. 6; Ny. Fuliginosus larv in wells in S. Nos. 38, 132, 131, and in tanks
one named Mahhamel and the other behind H. No. 57; My. Culicifacies larv in wells
in Patawai No. 3, in H. No. 194 and some others and in stream; Ny. Jamesii larv in
well; My. Listoni larv in wells in S. Nos. 127 and 3.
TIRANDAJ.-My. Culicifacies larv in well and stream; My. Listoni larv in
stream and puddles.
VADHVAN.-My. Culicifacies larv in well in S. No. 12.
VALNAI.-M. Barbirostris larv in tank called Khandala and in tank in
S. No. 10; Ny. Fuliginosus larv in rice-field in S. No. 14, adults in cowshed on
Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larv in well in S. No. 13; My. Listoni larv in wells in
S. Nos. 13 and 19; Ne. Stephensi adults in cowshed on Gauthan.
VIKHROLI.-Ny. Fuliginosus larv in well, tank, and rice-fields; My. Culicifacies
larv in wells; My. Jamesii larv in rice-field, Vihad Tank and other tank.
VILA PARLA.-Ny. Fuliginosus larv in tank; My. Culicifacies larv in wells in
S. Nos. 245, 241 and 247.
WADHAVLI in TROMBAY.-M. Barbirostris larv in puddle and in well in S. No. 2;
Ny. Fuliginosus larv in well and tank; My. Culicifacies larv in well and in stream
in S. No. 55.
WADHAVLI near THANA.-Ny. Fuliginosus adults in cowshed on Gauthan;
Ny. Jamesii adults in cowshed on Gauthan; Ne. Stephensi adults in cowshed on
WYARAWALI.-M. Barbirostris adults in hut on Gauthan.
YEUR.-My. Listoni adults in cowsheds on Gauthan.