" Regimental No. 1183.
Name.-D. Copeland.
Age last birth day.-23 years.
Completed years of service.-3 years.
Station.- Karchi, S. D.
Time on the Station.-1 year 2 months
Day of Month.
Particulars of Case and Prescriptions.
7th Nov
Admitted into hospital with febricula; has
had several attacks since arrival in India
in 1880. He appears to have suddenly
got into a debilitated state ; tongue
brown and dry ; pulse weak and compressible ; had large doses of quinine and
mixt. diaphoretic. Temperature 104.
Beef Tea 2 pts.
Milk 2 pts.
Brandy 2 ozs.
Eggs 2.
(Sd.) H. M. MACBETH, Surg.-Major,
Army Medical Department.
10th Nov
No better this morning ; was delirious all
night ; tongue moist since taking the
brandy ; pulse 140, weak and compressible ; skin moist and slightly clammy.
Mistura ammon. c ther sulphuric, blister to head. Appears very weak and
is quite unconscious ; pupils slightly dilated ; tongue dry ; temperature 102.
Continue mist. ammon. c ther sulphuric
and pot. bromid. grs. 20. h.s.s.
L. M.
Lemonade 2 pts.
Beef Tea 2 pts.
Milk 2 pts.
Brandy 6 ozs.
Eggs 4.
Oranges 4.
11th Nov
Appears no better ; was very restless all
night ; took all his nourishment, still remains unconscious and does not appear
to be easily roused from the collapsed
condition ; pulse 140 ; temperature rose
to 1048. Cont. mistura ammon. and
Omit Lemonade. Extras
the same as on the 10th.
Appears sinking ; pulse 160 ; breathing
stertorous ; skin cold and clammy ; temperature 105; died comatose at 9-15 P.M.
(Sd.) H. M. MACBETH, Surgeon Major,
Army Medical Department.
Post-mortem Appearances 10 hours
after death.
Body well nourished, rigor mortis well-
Head. -The membranes of the brain were
abnormally congested. At one spot
opposite the junction of the parietal and
occipito-parietal sutures there was a
considerable effusion of serum which
had partly become organized and caused
adhesions between the membranes.
Brain substance slightly congested,
choroid plexus much swollen and
distended. A small quantity of serum in
lateral ventricles.
Thorax.-Both lungs healthy, but exhibited hypostatic congestion posteriorly and
Right Lung 16 ozs., left 16 ozs.
Heart healthy, weight 11 ozs.
Abdomen.-Liver enlarged but otherwise
healthy; weight 67 ozs.
Spleen very much enlarged, congested
and very friable ; weight 27 ozs.
Kidneys healthy, right 7 ozs., left 8 ozs.
The whole of the intestinal tract from the
pyloric orifice of the stomach to the rectum was highly congested and in some
places of a dark purple colour. There was
no infiltration or ulceration of Peyer's
patches. Other glands normal. No entozoa were found.
(Sd.) H. M. MACBETH, Surgeon Major,
Army Medical Department."