" Regimental No.-(Not stated.)
Name.-W. Bagnell, 98th.
Age last birth-day.-24 years.
Completed years of service.-(Not stated.)
Time on the Station.-2 months.
Day of Month.
Particulars of Case and Prescriptions.
Nov. 16th.
This patient was handed over to me by
Surgeon C. A. Webb yerterday. He
was admitted on the 14th instant under
the head of ague. He was put on low
milk diet yesterday and ordered quinine
grs. 5 twice a day.
L. Milk ...
P. Wine 6 ozs.
Beef Tea 2 pts.
Milk 1 pt.
Lemonade 2 bottles.
His symptoms have now assumed a some-
what typhoid character. Pulse 120,
weak ; dry, brown tongue ; pain on pres-
sure in right iliac region ; six yellow, loose
motions last night ; has had epistaxis
twice in the last two days. Ordered
quinine grs. 5 and Dover's powders grs. 5
twice a day. Requires support and sti-
(Signed) JOHN NORTH, Surgeon,
Indian Medical Department.
Nov. 17th.
Temperature yesterday morning was 104
and the same in the evening. Pulse
120 ; tongue moist ; cont. medicine.
Nov. 18th.
Temperature yesterday morning 1034,
evening 1026 ; was delirious during the
This morning pulse 120, very weak ;
continue medicine ; requires more sup-
port. Temperature 103 ; is very low
with muttering delirium ; dyspnoa
great. To have ammon. carb. grs. 4
in effervescing draught every four hours ;
poultice linseed and mustard to chest.
Spoon ...
P. Wine 12 ozs.
Beef Tea 2 pts.
Milk 3 pts.
Lemonade 2 bottles.
Lime-juce 2 ozs.
Temperature 102 ; quite insensible and
apparently sinking ; cont. mixture.
Nov 19th.
Gradually sank and died at 5. A.M.
Post-mortem seven hours after death
Body fairly nourished. Rigor mortis well
Brain 48 ozs., slightly congested,
substance firm, an ounce of fluid in
right ventricle, two drachms in left.
Heart 8 grs. in weight, considerable de-
posit of fat on it, right side full of dark
fluid blood and small dark clots.
Lungs, right, 17 ounces in weight ; left, 14
ounces. Old standing pleuritic adhe-
sions on right side binding lung to chest
wall, much congestion at bases of both
lungs and partial consolidation with
evidence of recent pneumonia in right
lung, upper lobe emphysematous.
Liver, large and congested, weight 6 ozs.
Spleen much enlarged and soft, weight
19 ozs., capsule thickened.
Kidneys, right, weight 6 ozs.; left, 7 oun-
ces : both much congested.
Intestines.-Duodenal mucous membrane
congested and showing tendency to
hmorrhage for six inches from stomach.
Ileum much congested for 2 feet from
ileo-ccal valve.
Colon.-Transverse portion in same condi-
dition as ileum; no ulceration in any
part of intestine ; no entozoa. The above
condition of the intestine taken in con-
nection with some of the symptoms
suggests a scorbutic tendency.
(Signed) JOHN NORTH, Surgeon,
Indian Medical Department."
B 357-34