Instructio n s
for Nurses un-
der the Plague
1. Nurses are engaged by the Plague Committee for the particular
purpose of nursing at the Special Plague Hospitals.
2. The Reverend Mother Superior, All Saints' Sisters, Mazagon,
has kindly undertaken the duties of general supervision of the Nurses,
and they are therefore ordered to comply with her instructions. For all
purposes of Hospital nursing and discipline, the Nurses will be under the
orders of the Officer in charge of the Hospital or of the District Medical
3. The Reverend Mother has authority to transfer and change
Nurses according to the requirements of the various Plague and General
Hospitals, but intimation should, if possible, be given to the Medical
Officer of the District or Hospital.
4. Nurses will be engaged by the month, and the pay will be as
follows :-
Matrons-Rs. 150 per mensem, with quarters, food, lights, and all found.
Senior Nurses-Rs. 100 per mensem, with quarters, food, lights, &c., all
Junior Nurses-Rs. 80 per mensem, with quarters, food, lights, &c, all
Subordinate Nurses-Rs. 20 to Rs.3O per mensem, with quarters, food,
light, &c., all found.
5. When food is not provided, a board allowance of Rs. 1-8-0 per
diem will be allowed for Europeans, and As. 8 per diem for Natives.
6. In the case of Nurses engaged from England on Rs. 175 per
mensem, board allowance at the rate of Rs. 1-8-0 per diem will be
deducted from their pay.
7. The duties of Matrons and Senior Nurses will be as follows :-
The management of servants, providing meals and general
care of Nurses' messes. All Ward arrangements to be
under their supervision. The cleansing of Wards, latrines
of hospitals, &c., the disinfection of clothes, and entire
control over Nurses, Ayahs, and Ward Boys ; also the
disbursement of all petty cash.
8. The duties of Junior and Subordinate Nurses will be as
follows :-
To assist the Matron generally; to be responsible during
her temporary absence ; to go round with the Doctors ;
to receive orders and to see that the orders are carried out.
9. All Nurses are requested to carefully attend to the directions
given for general precautions for troops and others employed on Plague