2nd November.-Bubo enlarging and painful ; pulse 130 ; respiration 40 ;
temperature 102.2. No headache ; lung clear ; had one motion. Treatment same.
3rd November.-Temperature 101 ; pulse 132 ; respiration 33. A little better.
Medretine given every two hours and ext. carnis and rum every four hours.
4th November.-Temperature 102.2 ; pulse 144 ; respiration 40. Bubo sub-
siding ; right parotid gland appears tender ; medretine every four hours. Ext. carnis
and rum every four hours.
6th November.-Temperature 100 ; pulse 140 ; respiration 40. Lungs a little
8th November.-Temperature 99 ; pulse 128 ; respiration 36.
15th November.-No fever ; bubo suppurated ; pulse 112.
2nd December.-Temperature 105 ; respiration 40 ; pulse 144. Very delirious
and starting in bed. Left parotid gland much swollen and very tender. Liq.
hyd. per m. xv. every two hours.
3rd December.-'Temperature 104 ; pulse 160 ; respiration 60.
4th December.-Temperature 104 ; respiration 140 ; pulse 102. Delirium less.
5th December.-Temperature 100 ; respiration 40 ; pulse 100. Delirium less.
6th December.-Doing well.
N.B.-Allibux Kadratally, age 50 (same house) suffered from bubo 30th
October-1896 ; died 3rd November 1896. Femoral bubo.
(Evidently a near relative [father ?] of the boy. From the name I infer
him to be the father.)